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  • WIP: Tilkar map

    @Medio: I think you should probably post whatever you're comfortable in showing. I don't really do WIP threads myself, as I tend to chop and change things while I'm mapping, and that's all done offline, but it is interesting to follow others' process in this regard.

    The size of the trees you select should ultimately come down to whether they make the map easier to read quickly, or not. Personally, I like the mix of sizes, and the background colouring for the forests, in your second Sep 20 map posting above.

    To my eye, the forests in your Sep 21 map no longer look as clear. However, you need to go with what works best for you ?

  • Missing bitmap fills for Annual Vol 3

    Unfortunately, the fills aren't included with this Annual as far as I can tell. From the Mapping Guide with this issue:

    "If you do not own Dungeon Designer 3, you can still use the png and pdf versions of the maps, as well as the adventure description of the ship. To create your own ships you will need a copy of DD3 though."

    The missing fill is definitely a DD3 one, Water Blue 5 Bitmap (or if not that exactly, it's one from the same Bitmap group).

    DD3 is indeed a separate ProFantasy product.

  • Welcome to the Updated Forum

    Thanks Remy. That's a bit disappointing, but trade-offs like this have to happen, I suppose. I'm still just using the Rich editor (that was the default originally, as far as I recall). Don't have a lot of spare time/energy for further experimentation currently...

  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Topographical map of Nibirum with ocean currents

    @WeathermanSweden: I think Quenten's provided you with more real-world ideas than you can likely use right now for ocean current names, though of course the names have changed over time in places, and a lot have regional (local language) variants too. The latter might be interesting to explore for Nibirum, perhaps.

    I picked "Drift" names for the two main currents I showed, partly because the North Atlantic Drift, the northern part of the Gulf Stream, is relatively familiar from my own time studying geography from/in the UK, and partly because I was dealing with relatively near-coastal areas, where less-active oceanic water streams seemed appropriate. I have much interest in mapping the ocean floors in fantasy terms, and the civilisations based there, so adding some current activity was largely automatic.

    With aspects like the altitude colour-key, I tend to add them on a map only where they won't be hiding anything that should be better shown. [It irritates me when published real-world maps aren't given the same consideration!] Otherwise, I simply set them in a separate side-bar of their own alongside (or below) the map. That has the further advantage they can be expanded to be easier to read, and other features, such as a scale, or notes on the map, can be added there as well. So here, you might add a key for the current arrow colours (and possibly the prevailing wind arrows, if these will be added to the same map), for instance, and maybe quantify what the different line thicknesses refer to, if relevant.

    As Nibirum has more-or-less Earth-like seasons, is it worth considering a pair of maps for the alternate half-yearly views of the currents and weather systems? There are differences on Earth like this, though it does mean a lot more thinking-through of ideas than maybe is warranted for a fantasy world.

  • Cartographer's Annual - all the issues linked in one place

    This really is invaluable, Sue. As I've printed-off the PDF mapping guides for virtually all the Annuals, I tend to remember if I've seen a given style somewhere, but if someone then asks, I end up hunting through the PF website pages to find it, usually guessing which year it's in first, because I can't find it in the mass of printouts otherwise...

    I've not explored anything like enough of the issues in detail to have favourites, though my ongoing Community Atlas mapping has provided opportunities to experiment with quite a few.

    @jmabbott If you're subscribed to the PF Newsletters, you'll find there are sometimes money-off vouchers available for webstore purchases in those, and the company has in the past run generous Black Friday promotions, which might make the complete Annual collection a bit less fearsomely-priced. It's how I completed my set a few years back; after that, it's "just" a question of keeping-up with it year by year. That's not so bad either, as if you're a subscriber, you usually get a time-limited, money-off renewal purchase option around the end of the current year as well.
