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  • Tilkar map

    Got to ask - what are those "floaty stones" about midway between Tresonne and Chanson by the circled star symbol? Are the ones in the woods near Veris the same?

    The forests have come out nicely interesting. Were the roughly circular features in places deliberate, or something that just happened randomly? They remind me a little of the woodland spirals from Robert Holdstock's Mythago Wood novels.

  • [WIP] Castle Ravenloft.

    Castle Ravenloft's the only published adventure I have copies of from all its "official" iterations. Big task ahead!

    Though I'm guessing you're not going to be doing the isometric cutaway views as well, and for the original, it's really not orange enough!

    [With apologies to anyone unfamiliar - the original I6 module from 1983 came with a big fold-out poster map of the whole castle with isometric floorplans in a semi-cutaway view, with each floor level (twelve of them inside and below the castle, plus another of the courtyard within the castle's outer walls) clearly separated. It was printed in black, white and - several shades of orange to brown!]

  • More Watabou Generators very useful to CC3+ mapping.

    There may be others island generators about that I've not chanced-upon, though the only one I've really tried much with is the Red Blob Games one. It's hex-based, for more or less volcanic-type islands, and gives you options to fiddle about with the look and biomes live using the same island shape. You can save the image whenever you like, though only as a PNG (and it's an automatic download, so you have to change the filename from "download.png" each time, which is a bit irritating if you're trying to do a lot at a time). It is a bit keen to add jungle unless you rack up the coldness and end up with a vegetation-free cold inner zone to the island, though you can always tweak that after the fact. Might be something to experiment with for the Watabou site even so, perhaps.

    [Deleted User]
  • Supplemental to Humble Bundle

    Still haven't tried Edge since it appeared in one of the all-too-frequent "Windows improvements" recently. I think the only prior difficulty I had with Chrome was on my ISP's site, which apparently - and incredibly - still uses Flash Player for part of their system. Hardly Chrome's fault of course. Stunningly, my ISP wasn't aware that support for Flash Player ends this December, yet they still haven't updated that part of their site...

    [Deleted User]LoopysuePunch
  • Supplemental to Humble Bundle

    Interesting. Just checked with Chrome myself, and although the link doesn't work if you click it directly, if you right click while hovering the cursor over the link, and then click Open link in new tab, it works fine.
