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  • WIP Commission, Ancient Tombs

    If you do go down the "shadowed line" route, you'll probably need to fiddle about with a mask for part of the pit too, to stop the shadow going into places outside it you don't want - sadly, I remembered that only about ten minutes after I came offline yesterday...

    Also - just seen this now - there's a gap at the SE corner of room 16. That may have happened when you cut the wall to insert the open doorway if you started the wall at the corner of the room originally. I learnt from one of Joe Sweeney's videos early on to always start a dungeon wall along one of the straights you won't be cutting a doorway into later, to avoid exactly this kind of issue. It's also easily forgotten when you're busy drawing walls, however, as I've discovered ?.

  • [WIP] Castle Ravenloft.

    Don't know whether the newly-released "coffin box" version of Strahd adds or changes anything to this. From what previews I've seen, they've reverted to a nice foldout poster map, but the layout looked pretty similar to most previous versions overall. Couldn't see enough to check in detail, of course. For that, there's the little matter of $99.99 to pay first...

  • Commission WIP

    There are some coloured swirls in the CA3 Magic symbols. I thought there might be some among the Elemental & Magic Symbols in DD3, but I've had no luck trying to quickly track any down.

  • Tilkar map

    Interesting, but in comparison with your existing forests, it looks a little like a marsh on top of a low plateau. If that was the only style of forest symbol though, it would probably be fine.

    Being honest, I prefer your individual, variable-tree-size forests on this map, however.

    [Deleted User]Medio
  • Grimdark Fantasy (renamed "Darklands") - development thread

    Chanced-upon something of possible interest in this line today. The OneBookShelf download sites (DriveThru RPG, etc.) are currently running their annual Hallowe'en promotion, part of which is to hide away spooky freebies behind Hallowe'en-themed miniature graphics on various pages scattered across the site, as a kind of treasure hunt. One of those freebies this year is an RPG called Xas Irkalla. It normally retails at $15, reduced to $11.25 in the Halloween Sale at present, but free using the special link.

    Firstly, you must have an OBS account (free to open) to download anything from the site, but you don't have to give them more than a few basic details to do so (no credit card or bank info, for instance). Secondly, Xas Irkalla is an adult, hard, very deadly RPG that uses the Strain survival-horror system. It is definitely not for the faint-hearted. But, y'know, this topic is about grimdark, so... This is the core book, so ALL rules and details about the setting needed to play the game are included.

    Oh yes, the special freebie link! Use the "My Library" link at the top right of the normal OBS page. Once there, scroll to the foot of the page, and towards the lower right corner, you should see a glowing pumpkin head. Click that, and the freebie will be added to your cart.

    If you'd like to hunt for others, there are at least 11 more to be found just on DTRPG.
