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  • Marine Dungeon - a Cartographer's Annual development thread

    In case it may help Sue, you can find a moderate-res PNG of the seafloor map in the discussion on this blog from last April. The JG terrain symbols won't be much assistance, I fear, as they're the old dry-transfer rub-down-by-hand type (the map is from 1977, when this was state-of-the-art), but some of the information on it - and in the blog notes too - may be more useful.

  • Looking for Suggestions an OSR Style Tree City

    The CD3 Bitmap B Elven style catalogue is essentially THE tree-settlement option. I think it should work just fine when converted to B&W, as the colour options have a good, clear range, and as it looks hand-drawn, it would be fine for OSR-simulations (we all drew by-hand back then; no other viable options!). CD3 Bitmap B also has a decent range of vegetation symbols should you want to add more variety, while the Hovels catalogue includes many rustic-looking plank constructions which might be useful as well. Plus the other options are large for this style, so there are numerous other building shapes you could fit in with some vegetation cover for unusual structures. If this Bitmap style doesn't appeal, there're also vector style options in the Elven tree-settlement line with CD3, and arguably even more options with the numerous additional vector catalogues.

    Alternatively, you might look to the B&W dungeon styles - the OSR Dungeon style from CA97, for instance, has a useful range of vegetation symbols - though of course you'd have to draw your own buildings that way.

    Good luck!

  • [WIP] Cliff City B&W

    Getting there, I think!

    There are still problematic shadows with the three eastern, smaller mesas from the bridges, and the eastern cliffs. Looking at your FCW file, I'd assumed you'd already drawn white polygons for the cliff tops, but I see that's not the case, so my advice in my previous posting will only partly work. Those pesky grey areas, which I discovered are on your "Cliff Cover" Sheet, have obviously helped where they are, but equally not where they aren't!

    As this is the template for your drawing style, I'd suggest using that Cliff Cover Sheet as the place to draw white (colour 15) polygons for ALL the clifftop areas. This should mean you can use the technique I'd proposed for things like bridges anywhere you like without it causing problems with the shadows in future drawings. Such polygons will need to be drawn carefully to avoid losing the cliff-edge line on the cliff symbols, because the polygons must fill the whole clifftop area, and lie above the cliff lines themselves so the bridges can cast shadows on the cliffs, but not on the clifftops. This will also let you place bridges anywhere you wish, of course.

  • Forum oddities in recent days

    Well, this evening's "fun and games" with the Forum took a while to get started, but suddenly I've just had two events occur one after the other - "A temporary error occurred. Please retry." boxed message at the lower left of the screen. One happened when I tried to click to "Like" a posting, the second when I wanted to add a typed comment.

    And while I was typing this, I've just had another, though unless that was the system failing its autosave roll, I have no idea why - no, it's just done its autosave OK - because I wasn't even typing at the moment it appeared! It's still on-screen now (but I haven't clicked to close it yet, as I wanted to make sure I copied the message correctly).

    So, the Gremlins have changed tack, but clearly, they're still here. Someone's been feeding them after midnight, perhaps...

  • Forum oddities in recent days

    Need longer arms Jim ?

    [Deleted User]JimP