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  • Live Mapping: The Silver Mine

    I am so far behind with these streams right now - too much reality lately...

    Just caught up with the last part of this tonight, after several earlier failed attempts to view it over recent weeks. Fascinating work, as commented above already, and as ever, things would undoubtedly have proceeded swifter and more smoothly without needing to explain it so we could all follow along with what was happening! Or indeed without the late-stage catstractions ?...

    [Cats seem to have an especial fascination with live video streams, I've noticed; not just the PF ones either.]

    It might be interesting to have a finished mine map like this in the Community Atlas at some point. I don't think we've had a working mine as yet, but with approaching 560 maps there now, I may well be wrong in that. I have some planned silver deposits for some of those Errynor "40" maps, should anyone need a suitable (if still forthcoming) location ⚒️?

  • Community Atlas: Errynor Map 01 - The Cliff

    When I wrote here to present details about my first land-based contribution to the Community Atlas Errynor in northwestern Alarius, I noted that 2,000 x 1,000 mile map had behind it a collection of forty 250 x 200 mile sub-maps, so that in essence, the main Errynor map was a summary of the major points from those 40. I also noted the plan was to present the 40 sub-maps separately over time for the Atlas. This map is the first of those - at last...

    My initial thought was to prepare the sub-maps for each corner of the Errynor map, because those would encompass aspects of all the chief landforms, including the undersea areas which had been one main element in determining how the Errynor map was drawn. Wanting to try something different to that main map, I opted for the Herwin Wielink style, as that includes a number of useful options for the range of terrains needed.

    However, like most CC3+ style packages, it largely ignores the undersea environment (as discussed in this Forum topic). So I knew from the start I would need to create some fresh symbols for that, though sadly I'm no artist! Needs must, though. Numerous problems beyond anything map-related meant progress with these was very slow, so it was only in February 2020 that those new symbols were completed:

    These were all tinkered together in GIMP, incidentally.

    Knowing from the outset that I couldn't create anything with the artistry of HW's symbols, I instead drew mine taking aspects from that style only, such as the building bases having a similar fading "looseness" to help blend better into the underlying surface fill textures, and having the building shadows fall on the same side, for instance. Due to the size constraints on what symbol files added to the Atlas can be, I opted for just this very limited number, as I knew others already in the HW style could be reused for additional types quite readily. Of course, as we've discussed repeatedly on the Forum previously, further variants and extra items could be added almost ad infinitum!

  • Site for Name generation of anything you create in your maps or mythologies.

    Yes, this one's come up a few times on the Forum before - I've mentioned it more than once, I know! - but there isn't a "Resources" topic for elements like this. Might be worth adding one though?

  • A small SS4 map

    Well if we're talking gazebos - and this famous one particularly - you might care to take a look at this Pay What You Want paper mini on Drive Thru RPG:

    Daniel Pereda De PabloCalibre
  • Marine Dungeon - a Cartographer's Annual development thread

    I appreciate the problems with getting the symbol to work right, Sue. And this one will look good as the tops of forest kelp and other denser seaweeds, aside from its intended eelgrass, so it's win-win, I think!

    Mysterious Island keeps coming round on British TV from time to time still. Perhaps most famous still for containing some of Ray Harryhausen's excellent stop-motion animations.
