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  • Community Atlas: Errynor - Shark Bridge

    Thanks very much Sue!

    And also Remy for getting them into the Atlas so quickly!

    [Deleted User]
  • WIP: Mega-dungeon, Dorag Skel Level 1A

    As you might tell from my frequent use of random options in my Community Atlas maps, I've been a long-time fan of such random design systems, for all they can need a bit of nudging sometimes to get things to work out OK. I've not used the 5E system as yet, though almost exactly 20 years ago (July-August 2001), I created a classic 12-level dungeon using the random system in the original (1979) AD&D DMs Guide, each level filling an A4 page of graph paper. All done by-hand then, however. I did make a start converting it to CC3 not long after I got the program, around 2014 or 2015, I think, but that was very slow going, as I hadn't the option then to scan the hand-drawn maps to trace in CC3.

    Have to say that your map looks a lot more elegant and less cluttered than any of my old ones from that dungeon set, so the 5E system may be something I should experiment with in future, perhaps...

  • Yet Another Wargame Map set in ...

    I suspect my (ongoing) connection to miniatures (and scenery, and everything else that goes with it) is because I started out as a model-maker, and only got involved in wargaming proper a few years after that, at the end of the '60s and early 1970s. Many tabletop rule systems are, and always were slow, but most of what I've done has been for my own interest and solo, so that was never a great issue for me. And a lot of the larger-area battles are fought using the miniatures as little more than markers, so I quite understand your "scale" problems.

    I never understood why so many wargames have to be "balanced", when reality very rarely is (unless somebody's really screwed-up their reconnaissance and planning), which I think is why I never took to needing a group to game with. That was just too much like chess to me, whereas I wanted to try to better understand real, or potentially real, situations.

    JimPmike robel
  • Yet Another Wargame Map set in ...

    You make some good points Mike. I must admit, I never thought hex map boardgames worked all that well for tactical-level wargames, where I always felt using models and miniatures on a physical tabletop was much more useful and instructive as an attempt at simulating something of the realities. All the board wargames I still own, and occasionally play (not sure how I found the time when I was younger; never seem to have enough now!), were of a far more strategic level (so where a single turn is always at least a day, for those less familiar, and the ground scale is matchingly large).

    mike robel
  • Community Atlas: Errynor - Shark Bridge

    Thanks very much folks!
