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  • Wishlist for CC4

    I'm not sure such a sheet would have much utility for all mappers. I've never had any need for such, but then I plan or sketch all my maps out on paper roughly before-hand, and simply use a bitmap scan of the hand-drawn version as the template in CC3+. If I need construction lines while mapping, as does happen sometimes, it's very easy to simply draw and then delete them once I'm finished with them. If I think I might need them again later, I save a separate copy of the FCW map file for that purpose before deleting them.

    If you do find these are important, it's easy enough to create a Sheet on its own Layer (you can only freeze Layers, not Sheets, in CC3+) for use in the way you've described. If you're likely to be doing a lot of similar maps the same way, you can always save that as a personal set-up for the future having done it once. That way you can set the name and placement in the Sheets list as best-suits yourself.

    You'd have to hide the Sheet before exporting, but you'd likely be doing that anyway to check the map without the construction lines getting in the way prior to that stage.

    I doubt it would ever be possible to set up any single Sheet in CC that would somehow automatically "know" what colour you might expect different kinds of drawing entity to have. There are just so many variables involved - all of which you can adjust to whatever you require in CC3+ now, as Jim noted. If you might regularly require specific items of particular line thicknesses, styles and colours, it would be very easy to keep a sample of each on your "Construction Sheet" (or another Sheet set aside for such samples) that you could readily access using the "Draw like..." or "Extract properties" commands.

  • Help with Traced Command

    If what you're trying to do is create a doughnut shape - something like a circle with a more or less circular hole in the floor of the overall shape - it would almost certainly be easier to create that using the Multipoly command in CC3+ than what I think you're describing here.

    The fact you've created something in GIMP you're now trying to trace suggests what you're trying to do may be a lot more complex than that, but as Sue said, without some graphics of what you've done and what you're hoping to achieve, we're just guessing in the dark, unfortunately.

  • Mappa Imperium

    It's an interesting idea to turn it into a game, rather than simply being a mapping or world creation tool - as there are a number of those already freely available online, of course, aside from more that are paid-for products. Not that that would stop anyone from using such tools similarly in return as collaborative games, naturally!

  • Install Order?

    Can't really do more than reiterate what Sue's said already re you and your mother's ongoing situation, and to hope things settle for you very soon.

    With CC3+, I think we all feel for you too. Even a short spell away, and I find I've forgotten something critical... If time and circumstances allow, it might be worth checking-in on one or two of the live PF mapping sessions on YouTube - or checking them later as VOD - as Ralf usually goes through all the basics of setting up a new map, as well as whatever the session's about, for instance, which might help get you back in the swing of things a bit quicker.

  • Install Order?

    Indeed, welcome back Scott!

    Good luck with the reinstall...🖥️☀️⌨️🌙🕰️😴
