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  • Heraldry Symbols

    If you want some alternatives, including wreath-forms, as well as types of leaves and other items used in wreath-shaped heraldic structures, there's a selection on the Book of Traceable Heraldic Art site here.

    Wikimedia Commons has a lot more images of actual heraldic designs incorporating various wreath types here.

    Good luck!

  • Panzer sample thread

    Probably just me, but the latest image looks like a bunch of lost Daleks trying to find their way home from a country walk 😉

    LillhansLoopysue[Deleted User]roflo1DaltonSpenceJimP
  • Community Atlas: Embra - Villages

    Completing the circuit is Embra - Summerset in the northwest, with its small village of single-storey properties, the River Clack with a bridge (albeit the bridge seems detached from the village rather), both the main Clack Valley tributaries, plus a curiously unlabelled third tributary stream, which seems more significant than the named Silverburn (a deliberate choice!). However, dominating the map's centre are two substantial lakes and a marsh:

    Next-up will be the first of Embra city's contents, the Enclosed Places.

    LautiMonsen[Deleted User]RalfRicko HascheLoopysue
  • Community Atlas: Embra - Villages

    The western village of Embra - Evenside carries things to an even stranger place, now with a "castle", Caer Sidi, that is really just an elaborate stone fence around an open field! The Clack here isn't a stream, but a series of ponds linked by marshes that have a couple of bridges over the swampier spots. There's also a huge orchard, and a second dry valley with a scatter of marshy ponds along it too:

    This is one map which I think especially benefits from a means to help identify which mapped items are genuine buildings:

    LoopysueLautiMonsen[Deleted User]DaltonSpence
  • Community Atlas: Embra - Villages

    Embra - Winterset in the southwest moves things towards a somewhat different nature, with many clustered properties, and no River Clack. Water comes instead from a pair of well-fountain pools at two midline crossroads, while the not-quite enclosed areas of Aine's Pastures are connected by a bridge that arches over the northern trail, a particularly obscure - thus clearly Faerie - feature:

    The interior views show what the layout of the properties really is, although there are many fewer two-storey buildings, as the lower image here demonstrates:

    LoopysueRicko HascheMonsen[Deleted User]DaltonSpenceJimP