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  • Text Angle

    If you mean using the "Rotate" command on text, you can just rotate the angle of the text freely without using Shift at all.

    If you need the text to be at a specific angle (which the Shift key option allows, but only at 15° intervals), use one of the Edit Text functions (such as Numeric Edit, or Edit Properties), and just type in the angle you need the text to be at.

    Ricko Hasche
  • Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Fisher Isle, several villages and surrounding areas

    Hey, I just set-up several places in the Faerie City of Embra where underwater creatures and beings float and swim in air as if they were underwater, so this all seems perfectly normal to me ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿงœ๐Ÿงœโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ™

  • Community Atlas: Embra - Villages

    One thing regarding the Embra Village maps (only) that occurred to me, but time didn't allow discussion of when I posted about these earlier, is that it might be possible to add versions of them elsewhere in the Atlas too.

    This is because I left the original "wooden" square frames on them all, but concealed in the current final Atlas versions using their "Embra"-style circular borders. This is the Embra Midnight map without all its Embra labels and trappings:

    Obviously, it would need further work to fill-in the outer blank areas, as I didn't carry the surroundings much beyond the circular border, but that wouldn't be a huge amount of extra effort.

    It seemed to me it might be fun to add them to places on continents other than Alarius (where such loosely European-style, temperate/cool temperate agricultural villages might be appropriate, of course), and perhaps suggest in their accompanying notes that there could be a secret way to pass directly to the "originating" village from the Embra set, if player-characters can but find it. Naturally, there couldn't be a direct link in the Atlas otherwise. Maybe one revised Embra Village per continent, say?

    It would be preferable to not have to adjust the established parts of the map, although labels and smaller areas of terrain or vegetation could be changed or added readily enough. Thus the overall layout of each of the eight Villages as shown in the earlier parts of this topic would be retained more or less as-is.

    Thoughts? Or ideas for where these might be set-up, if this seems interesting?

  • Problems with Text

    Try copying the text onto a new Sheet with no Effects on it in exactly the same place as it is now (so the two texts overlie one another). It may work better with the new text Sheet below the original (but still above the floor) or above the original text Sheet.

    Alternatively, you might try changing all the text's colour to something slightly different to what it is currently (because the "acne" effect seems to happen when there's something of an identical - or nearly identical - colouring on two overlying Sheets which have certain kinds of Effect in operation). In this case, it may be simply the text Sheet's Effect interfering with the specific colour and shape of the floor fill's patterning.

  • Community Atlas: Embra - Constructed Places

    Thanks very much everyone!

    And on Quenten's point, the odd thing is the Character Artist portraits take hardly any time at all, by contrast to other types of map.

    It is a shame that Character Artist doesn't get the same kind of updates and additions other parts of the CC3+ program suite do; some variant body and face shapes would be interesting, for instance, though I appreciate that would add a lot of extra work, fitting the various costumes and weapons, etc., to such alternate forms. Still, if you don't ask...

    JimP[Deleted User]GlitchTheschabiMathieu Gans