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  • [WIP] Community Atlas Competition - Runcibor Dungeon

    @Quenten asked:

    I will probably change to X-section to show joining passage ways, by bending the red line - can that be done, ie would it be stupid to do it?

    It's pretty much standard practice in a lot of real-world cross-sectional mapping to vary the line direction like this, often to follow a specific passageway, or series of linked passages and caves. The purpose of the cross-section is to provide useful detail that's not so easy to identify on the plan-view map, so any line that works best to show that is appropriate.

    Indeed, if you take a look at the PDF mapping guide for CA7, Caves and Caverns, this is exactly what Ralf (I think?) did in drawing the sample cross-section for that cave using the modern cave mapping style.

    Sometimes, it may even be helpful to use more than one such cross-section.

    Looking at the cross-section on your first map above here, while it's interesting, in pointing out how variable the levels are in different parts of the cave system, it's not all that helpful, since it implies other parts of the caves may be at similarly variant levels, without indicating what those may be.

    In some cases this may be of merely academic interest, where caves aren't directly linked to one another and are some considerable horizontal distance apart, for example. However, where the passages and adjoining caves are at different vertical levels, it can be much more important - i.e. if a passage enters in the ceiling of the next cave, say.

    It may also be useful to add some cross-sections of individual passage segments next to the area on the main plan view too. For instance, there are a couple of clear choke-points towards the SE end of the narrow, SE passageway. This suggests they're more or less impassable, yet there's a mapped cave beyond them, so there must be a way through, if perhaps only a crawl-space. A cross-section of just the choke-points on that passage next to the narrowest parts would help clarify that.

    JimP[Deleted User]MonsenLoopysue
  • How do you make connecting symbols?

    The idea with the Symbols Along command is to set up symbols along the line you've drawn at equidistant intervals from one another (though this can be varied if required).

    However, the Distance part of the command works from the symbol's origin point (that's where you'll see the cursor crosshairs meet when you pick up the symbol from the catalogue to first place it). This isn't always where you might expect it to be, and it may be that whatever symbols you're using are creating problems thanks to this facet. Without seeing exactly what you're trying to do, it's a bit tricky to advise more precisely than this.

    The transparent space around the symbol is just that - emptiness. However, the amount of such space in and around the symbol may affect where precisely the origin point falls, so it can have an influence.

    One possibility would be to set the Symbols Along line up with the symbols at or around that "too far" limit you mentioned, and then fill in the gaps with other symbols by-hand afterwards. You can always adjust the size of the symbols to fit whatever gaps there are, if they don't quite look right, or add some that aren't quite on the line to fill satisfactorily. More work, I know, but perhaps giving a better end result, especially if you want the palisade to look a little "lived in", where not every pole has been positioned perfectly, or cut from the same size tree.

    It's fair to say that with commands like this, and also many of the Sheet Effects as a different example, it's often a question to trial and error - make a few tweaks, and then try again. You might want to set up a series of trial lines, and see which looks better, for instance. If you're like me, you might want to jot down exactly what you did each time though, so you don't forget what happened the one time it looked right ?

    If you're still struggling, post an image or two here to highlight what's going wrong, and I'm sure someone will be able to assist you further.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]
  • Banners

    Would it work better if the curled scrolls faced towards the viewer, instead of away? That's basically the way someone would read/view a scroll in many cases, so it may be that's what's making them look a little "off" just now.

    [Deleted User]
  • WIP - Floor 34 - Shadowrun map

    Getting lighting to look right and yet still leave the map usable is a tricky balance from my limited experience. In an environment such as you've drawn so far, the lighting would be likely good and fairly uniform flat, or largely none at all, for each particular area, so it may be worth asking how many lighting effects you really need before embarking on setting it all up.

  • (solved) Trying to recreate cliff effect shown in advertised map

    I think this may be what you need to see/read.
