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  • CA style development - "Darklands City" (issues for September and December 2021)

    "A" looks more natural to me too, Sue.

    The cross-hatched decoration (don't know what the proper term for it is, sorry!) seems undamaged despite the roof holes beneath it. As this seems to be of fairly flimsy outer surface material (compared with the depth of roof thatching), it seems unlikely it would have survived intact when the entire thatch below it has rotted away - even if it had just broken and raggedly partly fallen-in, say. I'd guess in some cases it might partly survive sort-of intact, but not always.

    It does also look a little odd that none of the holes are where the greenery is; the extra weight and implication that that's where water's collecting, so mulching the thatch down into a growing medium plants can root into, might suggest that kind of area would be ripe for collapse as well.

  • Yet Another Wargame Map set in ...

    For those here who may be unfamiliar, the original 1983 map from Assault is very typical of the board wargame maps of the 1970s-1980s in general. The features you dislike Mike were exactly what made the games playable back then, as well as reasonable simulations for the level of combat formations they were designed to show. The key features were that everything had to be clearly in an identifiable hex, or on its border, if it had any effect on the game whatsoever. So we were all very used back then to working with maps like this, and personally, I always preferred this idea to adding a hex grid to a real map, which never seemed workable to me as a board wargame mechanic (still doesn't - sorry!).

    Even so, always like to see how your maps grow, Mike!

    mike robelLoopysueAleD
  • City of Nyxotos for the Community Atlas

    For @DoubleDouble and anyone else interested, this page on ancient port structures has some notes on the archaeological/historical use of constructed breakwaters and other artificial port structures, beginning around 2600 BCE (Egypt, Gulf of Suez). I'd recommend taking time to check through the other links and references if this subject catches your attention, though your life can end up taken over by such matters without due care...

  • CA style development - "Darklands City" (issues for September and December 2021)

    They're lovely trees Sue, but I think we're hitting the same issue as with the Darklands overland style, in that they're just too nice!

    Maybe think about something less symmetrical, and with some dead branches, or just branches without leaves, and maybe even some very battered trees too?

  • Where can I find great resources for the creation of a subterranean world?

    For the crystal city concept, it may depend exactly how you envisage it. For a large-area map such as the Dungeon Worlds Annual will let you create, you could perhaps repurpose some of the standard CC3+ overland map symbols, like glaciers or icebergs (though you may have to get creative about hiding what are intended as water lines for the latter!), and making use of the varicolor options to recolour other features - and also with CD3 house symbols, for instance, if you wanted to map the city itself, or parts of it, in more detail.

    It's definitely worthwhile to take some time to look through all the symbol catalogues you have available, and make a note of any symbols that might work in such map creation, even if that's a long way from what the symbol was originally meant to be! As you can resize any symbol in CC3+, imagine too how it might look if a given symbol were larger or smaller, or a different colour (which you can set and see while you're browsing through each symbol catalogue that includes varicolor symbols).
