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  • WIP - Liosach

    The cloud symbols Sue mentioned are in the Alyssa Faden Overland style in the 2014 November Annual. Been using it myself recently!

  • A necromancers hidden study

    Something that might be worth thinking about is an alternative way of drawing the grid to avoid having it in areas that can't be accessed (which would help make the rooms, etc., stand out a little more). Perhaps a mask covering the areas that don't need a grid, but drawing the grid by hand for small areas would be an option too, as not too onerous.

  • CA169, not all vari-color symbols have square upper right ?

    There may be another minor glitch with this Fantasy Town Annual. I've been mapping with it on and off for a couple of weeks, and I've found that if I load a map in the style (just use one of the two samples that come with the issue to test), and then use any of the Zoom view commands, like Zoom Window or Zoom Extent, the entire Symbol Catalogue pane (left-hand column of symbol images) goes completely blank. If I then try to reopen the catalogue, it goes into the Program Files (x86) directory as default, not ProgramData. If I try to use the catalogue's left-hand button to view all the symbols in the map, the program crashes and closes down.

    However, if on opening said file, and before doing anything else, I save the file, it's fine. I've got into the habit of doing this with my own files, as I've been using it so regularly lately, but Jim's post here reminded me that it could be something else about this issue that needs tweaking, in case it's not just me that's finding this.

  • First continent sized map

    Fine-looking map!

    It's a little difficult to advise much with it, without knowing how like Japan it's intended to be though, beyond what you've already created here. For instance, is it at a similar latitude, as that might affect features such as vegetation? The frozen (?) islands towards the north suggest it may be further north than Japan now, for instance. Hokkaido is cold, but not glacial, by contrast.

    Similarly, the sea to Japan's west is relatively shallow and very enclosed (obviously not the case here), while to the east in places, it drops away very rapidly, such as into the Japan Trench. That may only be of significance if you intend to make use of the seabed, however, though it could also have weather-pattern/climate implications for the land areas.

  • Wishlist for CC4

    I'm not sure such a sheet would have much utility for all mappers. I've never had any need for such, but then I plan or sketch all my maps out on paper roughly before-hand, and simply use a bitmap scan of the hand-drawn version as the template in CC3+. If I need construction lines while mapping, as does happen sometimes, it's very easy to simply draw and then delete them once I'm finished with them. If I think I might need them again later, I save a separate copy of the FCW map file for that purpose before deleting them.

    If you do find these are important, it's easy enough to create a Sheet on its own Layer (you can only freeze Layers, not Sheets, in CC3+) for use in the way you've described. If you're likely to be doing a lot of similar maps the same way, you can always save that as a personal set-up for the future having done it once. That way you can set the name and placement in the Sheets list as best-suits yourself.

    You'd have to hide the Sheet before exporting, but you'd likely be doing that anyway to check the map without the construction lines getting in the way prior to that stage.

    I doubt it would ever be possible to set up any single Sheet in CC that would somehow automatically "know" what colour you might expect different kinds of drawing entity to have. There are just so many variables involved - all of which you can adjust to whatever you require in CC3+ now, as Jim noted. If you might regularly require specific items of particular line thicknesses, styles and colours, it would be very easy to keep a sample of each on your "Construction Sheet" (or another Sheet set aside for such samples) that you could readily access using the "Draw like..." or "Extract properties" commands.
