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  • Problems with Text

    Try copying the text onto a new Sheet with no Effects on it in exactly the same place as it is now (so the two texts overlie one another). It may work better with the new text Sheet below the original (but still above the floor) or above the original text Sheet.

    Alternatively, you might try changing all the text's colour to something slightly different to what it is currently (because the "acne" effect seems to happen when there's something of an identical - or nearly identical - colouring on two overlying Sheets which have certain kinds of Effect in operation). In this case, it may be simply the text Sheet's Effect interfering with the specific colour and shape of the floor fill's patterning.

  • Community Atlas - Doriant - Galahais - The Morstarik

    Yeah, I agree with Monsen regarding the text labels. There's also a problem that parts of the words on the paler text fade where they overlie the palest green on land.

    I get the impression too that the roads are on a Sheet higher than everything else, so look to be overlying some of the text labels as well.

    Might be worth tweaking some of the red dashed border line nodes to try to remove the odd long dashes in places, though this is a perennial difficulty and can't always be properly resolved, I know.

    I'm finding the dashed roads a bit distracting. Partly, this seems to be because the roads cross over the settlement circled-dot symbols, so that could be simply part of the Sheets issue noted above. However, I think it's also partly because the roads often don't pass through the centre of the settlement symbols. While that can be a legitimate point on a map (i.e. the main road may not pass directly through a settlement), at this scale, I think it probably should be tidied-up.

    JimP[Deleted User]
  • Community Atlas: Embra - Constructed Places

    Thanks very much everyone!

    And on Quenten's point, the odd thing is the Character Artist portraits take hardly any time at all, by contrast to other types of map.

    It is a shame that Character Artist doesn't get the same kind of updates and additions other parts of the CC3+ program suite do; some variant body and face shapes would be interesting, for instance, though I appreciate that would add a lot of extra work, fitting the various costumes and weapons, etc., to such alternate forms. Still, if you don't ask...

    JimP[Deleted User]GlitchTheschabiMathieu Gans
  • Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Fisher Isle, several villages and surrounding areas

    Yes Jim, the breaks in the lettering are due a type of acne where the same colours in the letters recur in the symbols or fill texture the letters are overlying. This seems to happen when there's any glow on the lettering. You may be able to solve it, should you change your mind, by changing the colour of the lettering (either to the "other" black - colour 17 if you originally used 0, for instance - or one of the darkest greys or browns), or by adding a new Sheet just below the TEXT Sheet, and copying the text onto it, but with no effects active on the new Sheet. In this case though, you may find the paler lettering will be OK on the darker woodland fill, without the need to use dark text letters there.

    [Deleted User]
  • Town Map for a Cthulhu Game

    Interesting time to be thinking vampires/Dracula, as 2022's the centenary of the classic F W Murnau silent movie "Nosferatu", of course. Wikipedia link for movie in case anyone needs info/a reminder on this film.
