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  • Top down symbols for overland maps.

    Don't forget there's also the Fantasy Realms style from 2009, which has the essential top-down mountain and hill drawing tools.

    It's important to recognise too that as soon as you move from the pictorial isometric or side-on images to top-down, you're immediately wanting greater precision in exactly what is where, hence I'm not sure trying to create a set of symbols for top-down features will work well enough. That argument is why there are very few hill and mountain symbols in Fantasy Realms, for instance, with the recommendation to make full use of the drawing tools in that style.

    Top-down vegetation is tricky too - lots of rough-edged small rings with a couple of texture lines inside is liable to be all you'd see at typical overland scales. This does work, as it's what was used originally on things like the early SPI-style hex-based board-and-counter wargames, and it's fine as representation, but it's not particularly realistic. Plus it can be very easily drawn vector style, if you want to go down that route.

    It's hard to know what would work better as identifying jungle symbols than palms (try a quick online search for jungle map symbols, and most of what turns up IS palms!), given that many jungle evergreens have general side-on shapes similar to in-leaf deciduous ones. Maybe adding a few hanging lianas in places, an attempt at stratification (albeit that means multiple trees per symbol), or splashes of colour for flowers and fruits might help, though again for overland-scale maps, most of that detail's liable to be lost. Altering the varicolor colouring might help with the extant deciduous woodland options, possibly. And for top-down versions, basically, again, you're looking at a rough-edged circle with a couple of interior texture lines.

    [Deleted User]
  • How can I change the text on scalebar?

    More work of course, but you can also draw your own scalebar, and then label it as you please, in CC3+. If you set the grid scale correctly, and use the "Ortho" and "Snap" commands, it's not as difficult as you might imagine. Might not be so artistic as some of the symbol scalebar options though!

  • WIP Goldenlilly Dungeons

    As Sue suggested, something to help the bars look more vertical probably would be helpful.

    Maybe think of reducing the intensity of the shadows overall, given they don't really work with the light sources in the dungeon.

    Some of the shadows - for the buckets and smaller round table - are also perhaps too large for what they are. The buckets probably shouldn't be casting the same length of shadow as the rack and dissecting table, for instance.

  • City locations

    Might want to tweak the angle of the seating a little for the rows nearest the outer walls; otherwise, patron complaints about stiff necks can be expected!

    Will there be upper levels too?

  • New Commission. Ghorfar

    "The png has no lines, thank heavens. But this jpg might."

    Yeah, but aren't they for the contours, rivers, roads - Oh wait... ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Not sure about the strength of the "Copyright Bay" label either ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    More seriously, the green skull with horns looks too pixellated to my eye; seems not to fit well with the rest of the map's style and clarity, though I appreciate that's entirely to do with the original source illustration, and not something that can be fixed without some serious redrawing.

    [Deleted User]