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  • How to delete perfect overlapping landmass?

    Simplest solution is to use the drop-down menu "List" command by selecting both the overlapping objects, and decide which you need to remove from that information. Make a note of the "Tag #" number.

    Close the List window, then click the :CC2ERASE: button (left side column) and click again on the items involved.

    Then right click to call up the dialogue box, and choose the "Combine" - "And (Both)" option.

    Next, right click again, and choose "More" - "Entity Tag #", and then type in the Tag number for the item you want to delete. This will appear in the Command Line (lower left of the CC3+ window). If the number is correct, press the "Enter" key to accept it, and then right click one last time and choose "Do it". That will remove the chosen one of the two overlapping entities.

  • Where to Find Additional Assets?

    Try typing general keywords into the DriveThru search-bar - such as "mapping icons" or "map symbols". If you try to make the terms too specific, the search facility tends to get quite restrictive, so unless you know the name of a specific product you're trying to find, it's probably best to avoid them.

  • Cosmographer and Moon Orbits

    This is a pretty complex set of tasks you're hoping to accomplish here, but as long as you're happy to put in the work yourself, it should be perfectly possible. That may depend on how comfortable you are working with the mathematics of orbital mechanics, however, and exactly what degree of precision you're hoping to achieve.

    I'm not aware of any tools that will allow you to do all of this in one, but you may find some of the tools linked from the Worldbuilding Links and Software page of the Orion's Arm Universe Project website helpful. Note that some of these are only available via the Wayback Machine archival website now, and may use older software types to function. I've not really done much with this in a long time, so can only hope some of it may assist!

    Unfortunately, the few folks I know, or knew, who did this kind of thing tended to write their own programs to do it, and while that may be an option for you too, that's not something I've had any experience with, sadly.

    Good luck anyway!

    PNW AnglerLoopysueJimP
  • can't view all of my map

    The LAND Sheet has no Color Key effect on it, and neither does the COASTLINE Sheet, on which the magenta patches have been drawn. In fact, no Sheet in this FCW has a Color Key effect on it currently. I also note a couple of those magenta patches are on the MERGE Layer - you DO NOT want them on that one!

  • A generic ruined town, 3 different settler groups

    The placement of the buildings seems a bit too uniform and disconnected from the road network, perhaps. Not sure how modern a setting this might be intended for though.
