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  • Character Artist 3

    I ran into a few issues with CA3 some time ago, where I found a few missing items, or varicolor features that weren't varicolor, or symbols that weren't correctly set to match the standard CA3 snap grid. I reported those to ProFantasy, and what I found were all fixed quite quickly.

    It sounds as if you may have spotted at least one other symbol - the missing sleeves - where there could be an issue, and if so, I'd recommend reporting that to PF directly (indicating exactly which symbol is missing).

    The problem with CA3 is there's a huge number of symbols many of which look very similar to one another if you're only checking the artwork, and not testing every one in a full CC3+ drawing, so these few have probably slipped through the cracks somewhere, I suspect.

    We've been asking for more artwork options for CA3 for years. However, I don't think it's an especially popular add-on for the main program, and is somewhat removed from its core mapping facilities, so it seems unlikely anything much new is liable to appear any time soon for it. The hand-drawn look is more modern-looking than the original vector artwork (which is still available in CA3), although the vector artwork was much easier to draw your own additions in, if you needed them, than the newer raster versions.

  • Live Mapping: New City Style Part 4

    Folks - Do please note that this week's live video is scheduled to begin 30 minutes later than normal, according to the timer note on YouTube. That's at 16:30 UTC, NOT 16:00 UTC!

  • Mirabar Region Of The Forgotten Realms

    Treating the Forgotten Realms setting as a sandbox onto which you can project your own preferences and ideas is an excellent one, albeit I say this as having used exactly this same Mirabar region for starting my own 5e explorations in soon after that edition first came out! Didn't get as far as I'd have liked with it, but I might return to it one day - and this image took me right back to my first mapping in the area as well.

    I might make the hex grid a little more obvious is all, if it'll be important to judge distances more exactly, and quickly, during the game.

  • Switching symbol orientation - Symbol Set 6

    The Arena symbol only has one orientation, but the Amphitheatres tab fine for me.

  • Issues with Inked Ruins Style: Hatching "Texture" Size and Water Rendering

    You're very welcome Eukalyptus! Glad it helped.

    Turning off the "Restrict to map border" command was one of the first things I discovered, because it solves so many problems with the effects, such as when you've applied something like an edge fade (or other similar techniques) to a fill, to avoid getting those round the map border too, creating a border within the border, which almost always looks wrong. When I remember now, I usually turn it off in all tools I know I'll be using, because it's just so annoying sometimes. I understand why it's turned on as the default, although for someone who often works outside the technical map border - to add map keys, for instance - aside from with on-map features that don't benefit from a sharp map-border edge - it's a real pain. Appreciate I may not be typical in this though 😊!
