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  • Cyberpunk: Proof of Concept

    My group still actively play Shadowrun 2E (with our own homebrewd an modernized rules for deckers). You have define the mapping needs perfectly. Some of the modern symbols are usable as well as some things from the CSUAC. What it all lacks is the grunge of the streets and sleek corporate opulance as you've described it.

    Autumn GettyJulianDracosLoopysue
  • Too early for a CC4 wishlist thread, or is it timely?

    Really, the selection method is a personal choice. If you prefer the select, select, action method then you can of course change it in Tools>Options: Selection Method. It's why the debate here isn't the thing (unless of course they plan to take out settings that are already part of the base software). I personally just don't want to loose the action then selection method. ?

    [Deleted User]OverCriticalHit
  • Too early for a CC4 wishlist thread, or is it timely?

    @basilgass This is not the thread to debate workflow, however, do your above process on 3 objects. Now imagine if it were 20 objects at which point the bounding box might come into play. The current workflow allows for ease of multiple object manipulation.

    1. Choose "edit command"
    2. Select item
    3. Select item
    4. Select item
    5. Do it
    6. Choose "color command"
    7. Do it

    With usual system:

    1. Select item
    2. Choose edit command
    3. Choose color command
    4. Select item
    5. Choose edit command
    6. Choose color command
    7. Select item
    8. Choose edit command
    9. Choose color command

  • Too early for a CC4 wishlist thread, or is it timely?

    @jslayton I'm not basilgass, but here is an image of a modern CAD GUI. I assume this is what he means.

    I am not fond of the dark theme that many modern software packages use, but then, I'm old and my eyes just don't see dark on dark like younger eyes might.

  • Too early for a CC4 wishlist thread, or is it timely?

    I would love the ability to purge unused fill styles from the fill style properties selector. When importing fills by inserting other maps the fills list can get pretty congested and unwieldy.

    I agree with Quenten's request for a gradient effect. I've wanted this for a long while but never thought to ask for it.

    I would love to be able to export with a transparent background.

    I hope the UI remains CAD oriented. I really dislike most/all art software interfaces. In fact, I hope the software remains a CAD application.

    LoopysueMonsen[Deleted User]DoubleDoubleOverCriticalHitLoreleiWyvernefenordmatzedeLillhansand 1 other.