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  • Mirinthatras' Tower

    I love Perspective maps and you have done an incredible job on this one. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing. This is truly an inspiration for me.

    Daniel Pereda De Pablo
  • Why should I buy CC3+?

    Because with CC3 and its add-ons you can map worlds, cities, dungeons, house interiors, space ships, solar systems, sci-fi bases, isometric interiors, isometric exteriors, paper dioramas, character portraits, plus just about anything you can think of (I just created a baby shower invitation using CC3) and with all of these you can choose from many different art styles.

    Show me another bit of mapping software that can compare to this and I'll buy it to try it out. I've tried a number of them for the sake of supporting small gaming/mapping businesses. CC3 is the only one that I actually use. It's not just mapping software, it is CAD software. It is complex but powerful.

    CC3 is well supported. ProFantasy is a great company with wonderful people running it and awesome users supporting all aspects of the software.

    I could probably think of many more reasons you should choose CC3, but I'll end with "Great software, great company, great people". What else could you want?
  • Castle Crimson and Reveler's Way

    What a lovely map! Really like the southern cliffs around the castle.
    Daniel Pereda De Pablo
  • Shessar's CC3(+) Art Assets

    After rummaging around on my hard rive for a while, I've realized that I have created a bit of art that may be useful to someone other than myself.

    I've just started uploading it to my Google Drive and still have more to add, but thought I'd begin sharing now, rather than waiting to actually organize and upload it all.

    I'll post here when I get more added.

    All art is released under the Free Art License 1.3 unless specified otherwise.

    The link for PNG Fill Styles and DD3 Symbols is: Shessar's CC3(+) Art

    The link for the Perspectives 3 Doors and Windows Symbols is: Shessar's Per3 Symbols.
    To use these symbols, unzip the file. Inside of the unzipped folder is another folder named Shessar. Copy and paste the Shessar folder into: ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus\Symbols\Perspectives.

    The link for the Character Artist 3 Human Male Fur Cloaks is: Shessar's CA3 Symbols
    To use these symbols, unzip the file. Inside of the unzipped folder is another folder named Shessar. Copy and paste the Shessar folder into: ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus\Symbols\CharacterArtist\CA3.

    The link for the Heraldric Clipart Symbol Collection is: Heraldric Clipart Zip
  • Greyhawk - CC2 to CC3+ Conversion

    There is a CC2 Greyhawk map in the ProFantasy Library that I've always loved. I haven't had much time lately to create my own maps, so I thought it would be fun to convert the old map to the new CC3+ Mike Schley style. I still have tweaking to do on it, but thought I'd share now to get input and recommendations. The png below is pretty pixelated, but I've attached the .fcw. Comments welcome.
    RaikoRicko HascheArcwynd