
Ricko Hasche

Ricko Hasche


Ricko Hasche
Last Active
February 7, 1977
merlo san luis argentina

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  • night landscape

    i dont move the angle from the cracks. just miror them and resize holding ctrl and adjusting the size and location (a little bit more here... no... little bit more tho the left style).

    in my personal opinion, i dont like to reangle cracks, just mirror them. cause dont fit nice to my view.

  • night landscape

    i forgot a detail, in the top, behind the MESA mountain, i fullfill with Dark Sea Blue...

    i tell you cause i say on last step i desaturated blue... i mean this blue sea as i put there as Sky. and then turn into grey

  • night landscape

    On the lightroom i use mainly contrast, overall color saturation, clarity.

    as i desaturate the Blue, the color becomes "grey" and using strong dark vignetting this grey becomes "night".

    after i think in a moon... just create 2 circular/radial filter and push exposure to extreme. the first one bigger and more difuse intentisy on the borders, and another inside - smaller and more intense on his end - to emulate a moon and his aurea.

    hope i can help

    KenMLoopysueroflo1Lautipablo gonzalez
  • night landscape

    once again i normally adjust mountain size by eye.

    at this point i finished the image on light room and export a png to work on colors in lightroom (as a photographer this program is very easy to me). But also you can enhance the colors in this tutorial from @Loopysue on https://rpgmaps.profantasy.com/shore-and-ocean-effects-for-overland-maps-part-1-edge-striping/

    i just feel myself more confortable using lightroom as a very long user.

    seycyrusGlitchLoopysueroflo1JimPAleDLautipablo gonzalez
  • night landscape

    8 - keep displacing houses and adjusting size of the castle and finish sector 2.

    9 - start sector 3 (note i have place no land mass on background, just working with images since beginning): place bridge, place tower, place town. 4/ note this side have another wind and smoke go to another direction, its totally optional. Down on sector 3 you can still see Background solid grey 20 as i told. just working with images....

    10 - so i finish the mountains on sector 3 given a zig zag movment between sector 1, 2, 3 to make more eye catch.
