
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
Real Name

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  • Community Atlas 1000th map Competition - with Prizes [August/September]

    Hi @Quayuazue! I think you’re describing a different place than mine, but just in case, I wanted to show you the place I’ve already adopted. It’s the village in the red box here:

    I’m looking forward to seeing your approach to these villages!

  • [WIP] Community Atlas Competition - Artemisia - Verinress Arl - Fon'Anar

    I just noticed that although I posted my completed map in the competition thread, I didn't post an image of it here. Doing that now, just so this thread shows the full process.

    I have wanted to use Mike Schley's elven treehouse symbols ever since I started mapping with CC3+, so I am delighted to finally have had the opportunity. (My friend keeps calling this map -- especially because of the elevated pathways -- my Ewok Village.)

  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    Finally had a chance today to add some names and some trees.

  • Interactive Map: The Duchies of Earlsdale

    Looks great! Also, I see now that the Map link was part of footer navigation for the site, and not a link to a local map for that entry. (That would require a ton of maps!) The maps you have in the gallery on the site are gorgeous. And the thought and effort behind pulling together your site is very impressive.

  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for the feedback, it was very helpful. I put the legend back to the original size and location, and it actually looks pretty good. There's room for some lines to wrap if I make it slightly larger, but it seems legible enough as is. Also, I made the roads stand out a little more by changing the transparency effect from 50% opaque to 75% opaque.

    Also, are the numbers on the map okay? Should I make them bigger? (I just noticed that some seem to be different sizes, so I will at least have to standardize that.) Are there effects that would make them pop more, like a stronger white glow? Is there anything else unlabeled that should be labeled? I just provided a few sample businesses (inns, blacksmiths, etc.) figuring that a DM could make up something on the fly if players were looking for a specific type of business, but I can add others that folks think are necessary.

    Neighborhood maps are a good idea if anyone wants to do a full campaign here (rather than an adventure limited to an inn or a temple, where the rest of the map just provides a general context). I have a whole laundry list of maps I want to do first, but once this is published in the Atlas (after the contest is done), I would welcome anyone to take a neighborhood and expand on it.

    LoopysueQuentenRicko HascheWyvernDaltonSpence