
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
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  • [WIP] Community Atlas, 1,000 Maps Contest: Villages in The Whispering Wastes of Haddmark, Peredur

    Just wait to you get to my city of San Francisco. I’ve read that we have more liquor licenses per capita than any city in the U.S. Last time I counted, my neighborhood alone had 17 bars in a four-block radius! I will have to find out what our number of residents per bar works out to be.

  • [WIP] Community Atlas, 1,000 Maps Contest: Villages in The Whispering Wastes of Haddmark, Peredur

    if they serve as meeting place for the populace in the evenings, even 3 places isn't necessarily that extravagant for a population of say 300

    That's a good point. With my villages, I've tried to keep in mind how and where the locals would socialize. Taverns and inns are also good places to catch a performance of a wandering bard or troubadour, or a troupe of actors.

    Also, a small village might still get a lot of travelers passing through if it's on an important trade route, or along a route for a pilgrimage to a holy shrine. Or the last stop for adventurers trying their luck searching for treasure in the ruins of an ancient temple (or their first stop on the way home). My village has a winery, and I figured that merchants buying wine at the winery to resell in other towns and cities would want a place to spend the night before heading back with with their casks of wine.

  • CA212 Terrains with Symbols not working

    Hmmm. It worked for me. I had to delete the lines that were drawn and redraw my forests, but reinstalling a new download allowed me to then draw forests without the lines. We’ll have to see if staff has any advice. Good luck.

  • [WIP] Northern Powys (Sarah Wroot Revisited)

    Reinstalling seems to have done the trick. Still had to manually delete the lines that were already there, but the lines weren't reintroduced when I redrew more farms and forests. Thank you!

  • [WIP] Northern Powys (Sarah Wroot Revisited)

    Playing around with the newest Sarah Wroot Revisited annual. This is the northern part of the Kingdom of Powys from my campaign world. The coastline was brought in from a Fractal Terrains export, but then the rest was done by eye/memory rather than trying to get the contours exactly right. It's like an impressionist painter's rough representation of the kingdom.

    LoopysueJulianDracosQuentenRicko HascheRalf