
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
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  • [WIP] Greco-Roman Inspired Temple

    Yes, I do, although I just realized that I didn't finish installing them. Initially it looked like the plants and flowers were potted plants, but I just looked again and there are some that would be suitable. For now, I think I will keep my botanical garden as it is (unless I find a carnivorous plant), and keep these assets in mind when I do a full botanical garden.

    Thank you, all!

  • [WIP] Greco-Roman Inspired Temple

    I was worried that my temple wasn't looking as cohesive because I was drawing fills and symbols from so many places that didn't quite mesh. In particular, I wasn't happy with how the trees looked. (I also added a gazebo at the top and a botanical garden at the bottom.)

    In the end, I decided to try the grass fills and trees from Forest Trail. Here they are without contour patches of other grass shades, at 50 and 100 scale.

    And then I tried adding patches of grass of the same fill style, but with a shade higher and lower. I really don't have an eye for this sort of thing. Should I have bigger patches? More numerous small ones. Should they blend in more?

    For the botanical garden, I couldn't find flowers among my symbols except for potted plants. It was supposed to be simple so as to not distract from the temple, but I got carried away.

    • I made rose bushes by taking bushes from one style and then placing small varicolored bushes from another style on top as roses.
    • I made flowers by using weeds from Forest Trail as the stems and then adding varicolored shrubs from another style as the flowers.
    • I added a fungi garden using varicolored mushrooms of different sizes (plus a few varicolored fairy ring mushrooms from Forest Trail)
    • I was going to use the anemones from Marine Dungeons as a plant, and then thought...why not use them as anemones? So I made a man-made pond for them, plus coral and a few other marine symbols.
    • And I added a carnivorous plant. The only one I could find was from the Mike Schley Overland, which is in a very different style. If anyone has recommendations for other carnivorous plants, please let me know.

  • [WIP] Greco-Roman Inspired Temple

    I've been experimenting with different grass fills at different scales

    Here are three different fills at three different scales (10x10, 50x50, and 100x100), with the full-sized version on top and a zoomed-in portion below. It's hard to find a fill/scale combo that looks good at both the full 500x400 screen as well as when zoomed in. I suppose I could use one scale for creating a full-sized JPG export, and then change the scale when doing zoomed-in exports.

    Does anyone have a favorite among these nine options, or a recommendation of another fill to try?

    Per @Monsen's recommendation, I am also going to break up the larger portions of the lawn a bit by adding more symbols, though I don't want it to be too cluttered and distract from the temple itself. I am going to replace the trees here (which come from the Jon Roberts Dungeon symbols) with trees from the Jon Roberts City symbols, because his city trees have more variety. I may add a gazebo, and maybe a portion of a municipal botanical garden or rose garden.

  • WIP: Novarenga MKII

    I am really liking this Parchment style for large-scale maps. I don't think it would suit my campaign world overall, but I can see my adventurers finding an ancient map in this style in some crumbling ruins, or being given one in this style when they consult with a sage or wizard for advice.

  • [WIP] Greco-Roman Inspired Temple

    I will play with the grass scale to see if I can reduce the repetition. It actually started at a higher scale that was t00 close-up for a map of this size (which is 500' x 400'). I am also open to recommendations of other grass fills that you all think would be suitable and less repetitive. Any thoughts?

    Any recommendations for other park-related symbols that I could use to fill out the area? More trees, of course, but are there other symbol sets to recommend? I looked for things like park benches and gazebos, but the ones I found were for styles that didn't seem compatible. If I don't own the Annuals with the symbols that people recommend, I can consider purchasing them.

    Thank you!
