
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
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  • Question about Layers with Sinister Sewers

    I am designing a multilevel sewer system for a town. At the moment, I am considering keeping everything on a single FCW file, with duplicated sheets for the relevant sheets (for the drain lines and drain walls, water, etc.) for each level of the sewer system. If need be, I can create this map as separate hyperlinked files, but for the time being I would like to try to keep everything together because I might want to show how levels 2 and 3 interact, for example.

    In order to simplify hiding/revealing levels of the sewer system, I was thinking about creating a Layer for each level of the sewer system, and then putting everything from a particular level on that Layer (including all of the symbols, water, walls, floors, etc.). That would mean that for Level 1 of the sewers, for example, there would be walls, floors, water, symbols, etc. all on the same Layer, which would allow me to show or hide the level with a single click.

    However, I know some effects can be tied to things being on the correct layer. For example, I know that for doors and windows to properly break a wall, the wall has to be on the WALLS layer.

    Sue has said in the past that she doesn't pay as much attention to the Layers. (Apologies if I'm getting that wrong.) My question is: with Sinister Sewers in particular (which doesn't use cutting symbols, as far as I can tell), are there special reasons why certain assets need to be on a particular Layer to work properly, or am I free to put everything tied to a particular level to its own layer?

    Thank you!

  • Mars Ultor

    Please feel free to use my Greco-Roman temple if you wish. There is a gallery of images of it on my profile, and I am posting the FCW here if you want to customize it.

    If you do use the FCW, note that it makes extensive use of Marine Dungeons, so it will be pretty useless without that annual. The grass and trees come from the Forest Trails annual, but are easy enough to replace if you don't have that. The BBQ pits have assets from either Dundjinni Archives and/or Bogies Redthorn Tavern. There may be other random things in there, too; I was importing bitmap fills from all over the place while I was testing things out. There are four custom symbols that are the reflections from the lighted mosaics. Probably easiest to delete them but I can send you the original assets if you want.

    If you can't use the FCW and there's a particular zoom level you want, with or without grid lines, temple roof, etc., let me know and I'll be happy to post a JPG of that to my gallery.

  • Fractal Terrains to CC3+ - Three Approaches

    And here are some of the Mike Schley style:

  • Fractal Terrains to CC3+ - Three Approaches

    Here are a few zoomed in maps in the Jerion shading style:

  • FT3 Question

    Ralf does demonstrate it at the end of this "Fractal Terrains to Parchment World" tutorial (around the 38 minute mark), using a full world Parchment Map that he had created the week before.
