
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
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  • [WIP] Marine Dungeons Lighthouse (more May Annual Stairs & Steps)

    I decided I didn't want to redo the entire tower, so I did some stairs ascending around it from the courtyard as a proof of concept. I do like the idea of stairs winding around a tower. Wonder if I can make it go around multiple times? I have some thoughts on how to do that, but I will save them for another map.

    In the meantime, here's how it turned out:

    (It's subtle, but beneath the railing there are railing posts, which you can't really see but they cast a subtle shadow.)

    Anyway, I'm rushing out the door, but I will make any tweaks when I return and then re-export the maps that show the tower.

  • [WIP] Marine Dungeons Lighthouse (more May Annual Stairs & Steps)

    If the ProFantasy Gods are listening: a future annual that I think could really complement the Marine Dungeons would be a "Jungle Adventures" dungeon. It would provide an opportunity to bring in palm trees and coconuts that could also enhance Marine Dungeons. Maybe some swamp building tools, including tree trunks with the ripples used in Marine Dungeons? Lots of colorful jungle foliage. Maybe some giant mosquitos or other bugs? Alligators or crocodiles? Think of the Indiana Jones-inspired adventures! Golden idols! Whips and fedora hats! Aztec-inspired ruins. Maybe a perfectly round boulder for traps. (The opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite action/adventure opening scene of all time.) Just planting an idea....

  • [WIP] Marine Dungeons Lighthouse (more May Annual Stairs & Steps)

    And here's the lighthouse at night. Fires are kept burning all night, reflecting off of mirrors (or polished sheets of metal) to cast light away from the mainland, though a window allows for some light to spill into the courtyard.

    By night, a glow from the sunken ruins reveals a magical portal beneath the waves....

    MonsenLoopysueC.C. CharronRicko HascheDon Anderson Jr.QuentenJuanpiGlitch
  • [WIP] Marine Dungeons Lighthouse (more May Annual Stairs & Steps)

    I am still working on my ziggurat, but in the meantime I got sidetracked with another Stairs & Steps project.

    I was inspired by Ralf's Live tutorial for this month's annual, where he built stairs going up a mountainside. I wanted to do the same. I was also inspired by seeing the stairs of El Peñón de Guatapé featured in this season of The Amazing Race. I wanted to put my cliffs on an island, and there's no better setup for that than the Marine Dungeons. Plus, while I used that annual to create my Greco-Roman temple, I hadn't used it for a proper marine dungeon. And while the Stairs & Steps annual includes the individual steps from Creepy Crypts, I remembered that Marine Dungeons also has their own individual steps. So handy!

    So, stairs going up a mountain. Where are they going to? First I thought there might be a temple or monetary or standing stones at the top, but I've been gravitating to those and wanted to do something different. I thought about creating an observatory but wasn't sure how to do the telescope. Maybe a wizard's tower? But really: what's the most common sort of tower on a hill on a small island? A lighthouse!

    There are about 285 steps (including six landings) that ascend about 165 feet to the top of the hill. I made a courtyard for the lighthouse to take advantage of the beautiful walls, complete with arrow slit crenellations.

    Of course, to really take advantage of the Marine Dungeons style, I had to create ruins in the sea. There you might find a few mermaids chatting with a wise octopus. And if you look closely, there's some sunken treasure as well.

    (This has inspired me to do a few maps down the road for the realms of some sea elves.)

    Anyway, here's the lighthouse by day:

    The lighthouse at night is coming up in a follow-up comment.

    LoopysueMonsenC.C. CharronBwenGunCalibreQuentenRicko HascheJuanpiMapjunkieEukalyptusNowand 1 other.
  • [WIP] Temple of Fah (May Annual: Stairs and Steps)

    I've been playing around with Wyvern's great suggestions.

    I tried to give the ziggurat a more weathered look by using the FRACTALIZE command. The default settings were way off but I played with it enough to think that with time, I could get it to look right. The problem was that I tried it on a single layer of the temple, and even with just that single layer, it added so many nodes that it slowed everything way down -- and that was just the first of eighteen levels of the temple! So I think my temple won't look weathered after all. Maybe the gods are preserving it. ;-)

    Then I hid the desert symbols so that I could play with the different textures and effects to create the illusion of dunes. The Dungeons of Schley style has five sand fills (with 1 being the lightest) and five corresponding partially transparent textures to overlay. The main background in my map was the middle one, Sand 3_SS4. Over the entire map, I also added the Sand 2 T_SS4 texture on a sheet called SAND TEXTURE 1 BASE, which has an inner edge fade to soften it. I then added another sheet called SAND TEXTURE 2 PATCHES, where I drew patches of the textures 1, 4, and 5 (2 already applied to everything, and 3 being the same as the main sand).

    For the dunes, I added another sheet, SAND TEXTURE 3 DUNES. It has three effects: Edge Fade, Inner; Bevel, Lighted; and Blur. I then added dunes, trying with first the Solid 10 fill and then some of the sand ones -- but actually, I kinda think the Sand 3 blends in best.

    Here's how it looks:

    Here's my Bevel settings:

    And here's the FCW:

    Thoughts? More dunes? More sand patches? More anything else?

    As an aside, learning these desert techniques is very helpful. Last November, one of the first maps I attempted was a Blue Dragon's desert lair. I abandoned it, but I've learned so much in the last six months -- time to revisit it!
