
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
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  • [WIP] Community Atlas Competition - Artemisia - Verinress Arl - Fon'Anar

    Here's a version with a darker red:

    And here's a version where I tried lighter text on a darker background. (The white ones at the end are the only ones that really work.) For this one, I moved the text to a different sheet so I could turn off the white glow that just made it look bolded in a way that made it harder to read.

  • [WIP] Community Atlas Competition - Artemisia - Verinress Arl - Fon'Anar

    Made some good progress, including labeling some of the primary businesses and points of interest. I also widened it a bit to make room for a legend. The text was a little hard to read so I added a semi-transparent back. Let me know if it's still too hard to read, and what you'd recommend to help that (make the back less transparent? darker or lighter shade?)

  • [WIP] Community Atlas Competition - Artemisia - Verinress Arl - Fon'Anar

    Here's a bit more. More to come, especially fleshing out the empty spots within the village walls. Plus labeling, of course.

    QuentenLoopysueLoreleiMonsenRicko HascheAleD
  • [WIP] Community Atlas Competition - Artemisia - Verinress Arl - Fon'Anar

    I finally have a bit to show for my contribution to the Community Atlas Competition. More work is needed but it's enough to provide the gist.

    I adopted a little farming village on the edges of Verinress'Arl on Artemisia. The parent map's notes explain that Verinress'Arl is populated by Aeifa (surface dwelling drow), who are ruled by a Matriarch, where succession is by fight to the death among her female offspring. The red box here (northeast of center) shows the village in relation to the rest of the kingdom:

    The village was once the site of a military outpost, but when it was decommissioned generations ago, a village grew up and took over some of the surviving military facilities: a small fortress that became the village jail, and a tower atop a hill that was purchased by sorceress to live out her years of retirement. The tower was passed down to one of her apprentices, and so on through the generations.

    While the villagers are mostly self-sufficient, raising enough of a variety of crops to sustain the village, it's known for its fruit orchards and even more for its vineyards and the wines that are popular throughout the realm.

    Here's the village so far (I also put a copy in my gallery if you want to zoom around):

    Still more to add within the area protected by the palisades, and forests to the north/northeast.

    Here's a closer view of the hillside known locally as "the rock" (though a proper name will be provided on the map):

    In addition to the sorceress' tower on top of "the rock," there are three other buildings the dig into the hillside. On the south/southeast, a decommissioned military fort has been converted into facilities for the village watch, with jail cells built underground in the hillside. On the eastern side, the Temple also digs into the hillside where the crypts and religious records/artifacts are maintained. And on the north side, the winery (which may be a bit oversized, now that I see it) also extends into the hillside, where wine can ferment in giant vats in caverns protected from the heat of the sun.

    The government buildings include the City Clerk's office in the center, with the courthouse to the east, the mayor's office to the northeast, and the town council chambers to the northwest.

    Here's an example of treehouse housing. More smaller complexes like this will be built elsewhere within the palisades.

    Outside of the village walls on the southwest side is a large pond. There are some industries along the creek that exits the pond: a small mill, blacksmith, tanner's, and glassblowers. North of them is a hillside and field that have become an entertainment area. A large bonfire is lit most warm nights, where the villagers make music and dance. There's also a stage where traveling minstrels, troubadours, and traveling acting troupes can perform for the villagers who can sit on stone benches before the stage or on the hillside behind. The big building on the northeast side of the pond is the community baths (elves are stereotypically fastidious, after all).

    Much more to come, but since it's officially August, I wanted to post what I have to date to start getting feedback.

    QuentenAleDLoopysueRicko Hasche
  • [WIP] Viking Adventures

    I was looking for a peaceful, zen mapping project and was inspired by the expansion of Viking symbols released today. It also gave me an excuse to using some of the glacier and icy Overland symbols that I've never used.

    I didn't want to lift from Norse mythology and decided to go with Icelandic names, which I stole freely from lists on Wikipedia.

    I will also post this in my galleries if anyone wants to zoom in closer.

    MonsenQuentenMapjunkieLoopysueEdECalibreRicko HascheJuanpi