
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
Real Name

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  • [WIP] Atlas Contest: Village of Djayet (Gold Coast, west coast of Doriant)

    Made some tweaks. Got feedback that if the pyramid may be an adventure hook that someone may want to map, maybe it shouldn't get cropped off the screen. Moved a few things around on the outcrop so that it could fit on screen. Also added the scale bar. Figured out that to edit the text from "miles" to "feet," I had to explode it first, then ungroup it to edit the text. But now I have this nagging memory that we aren't supposed to include scale bars in the Atlas?

    Any other feedback or thoughts?

    MonsenQuentenRicko HascheLoopysueDaltonSpenceWyvernBwenGun
  • [WIP] Per-Nezahd

    Yup, I think it's a town, not a village. But that's okay, I have a home for it (looking at the parent map, it probably should be a town, not a village). But that's okay, it got me thinking and gave me ideas for a smaller village in the same style to design. (Also a little too symmetrical, but I guess it makes sense that everything would radiate out from the only water source for miles around.)

    MonsenRicko HascheQuentenLoopysueDaltonSpenceMaidhc O Casain
  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Gold Coast, Doriant

    Oh, here's a version of Enia with the political borders shown:

    MonsenQuentenLoopysueRicko HascheMaidhc O CasainGlitch
  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Gold Coast, Doriant

    Remy said two things about the 1000th map contest that I have taken to heart:

    1. We can submit more than one map, but will only be able to win one prize; and
    2. We can make our own local map anywhere in the world to create a place for a village we want to design (but only the village map is eligible for the contest).

    With that in mind, I have been working on this Gold Coast map as well as an area map for the Kingdom of Enia, an elvish kingdom on the northern side of the coast. I have two villages in Enia that I will submit. If this works best for you, @Monsen, I will create a thread for all of the non-contest Atlas submissions once they're finalized, and then the actual villages for the competition will be posted in the competition thread when they're ready to submit.

    Gold Coast

    Here is the Gold Coast region, first without and then with political borders (which can be toggled). I am writing up the description now.

    Without Political Borders

    With Political Borders


    And then here's a map of the Kingdom of Enia, with more smaller hamlets and other small details added, this time in the Mike Schley style:

    MonsenQuentenLoopysueRicko HascheGlitchWyvern
  • [WIP] Northern Powys (Sarah Wroot Revisited)

    Playing around with the newest Sarah Wroot Revisited annual. This is the northern part of the Kingdom of Powys from my campaign world. The coastline was brought in from a Fractal Terrains export, but then the rest was done by eye/memory rather than trying to get the contours exactly right. It's like an impressionist painter's rough representation of the kingdom.

    LoopysueJulianDracosQuentenRicko HascheRalf