
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
Real Name

Latest Images

  • [WIP] - Sakherma Ruins

    Working on the Sakherma Ruins, a ruined desert temple in the Mike Schley style. For reference, the ruins are at the edge of a mountain range (middle right) in the Eknapata Desert below.

    The temple was built with a covered temple partially constructed into the hills, with a courtyard surrounded by walls but open to the sky. The bronze plates that made up the roof were stolen long ago by scavengers, so now what was the interior of the temple is also open to the sky (except for the portion beneath the hill).

    Here's the above-ground portion. The other things in the desert are an obelisk, and the head of a once-gargantuan statue, both appearing on the parent map. The river is a small stream that feeds into the Eknapata River on the parent map.

    I tried different approaches with the sand dunes. Some are a lighter shade of the sand, some are a partially-transparent darker shade. Let me know what you think.

    I fabricated ruined walls by constructing them in three layers and then using the color key cutout to carve out bits of them. They're supposed to have a brown stone core with a lighter gray stone surface. (The Corinthian pillars come from CA49.)

    Now for the inside. I tried to show elevation changes using the techniques that Ralf recently demonstrated in the Height Transitions demo. Most of it shows more gradual changes, using Edge Fade effects rather than the Glow effects that Ralf used. The passageway that spirals down to a level below (not yet mapped) used the Glow effect to show sharper transitions. And there are a few areas with higher elevation. One is a small "chamber" off of a narrow passageway -- there are even stairs in that passageway. The other is the wider passageway leading to the underwater lake. It slopes up and then back down to the water.

    That blue line? That's supposed to be a wall of glass. I added a bevel and a transparency to it. Not sure it works, and I am very much open to suggestions for how to improve it.

    Here's the FCW file if anyone wants to suggest different effects to improve the wall of glass, sand dunes, or anything else.

    LoopysueC.C. CharronMapjunkie
  • [WIP] Haunted Mansion

    Still writing up the proper description but in the meantime, I figured I'd post what I think is the final version of the final map. More sewer encounters, including a giant spider, some rats (both giant and ordinary-sized), a gelatinous cube, and some hungry foliage. (Of course, a proper battlemap would use moveable tokens, but this is for flavor -- the creatures are on a layer that can be hidden.)

    Oh, and a whole bunch of skeletons, and a few zombies -- an explanation for those empty crypts!

    LoopysueRicko HascheBrian Ransom
  • [WIP] Haunted Mansion

    Here is Basement 2. Most of it is taken up by the mansion's sewer system, including a branch that comes from beneath the barn. There are shadows from the shafts above where waste is deposited into the sewers. Waste flows to the southern-most part of the line, where a chute connects the mansion's sewers to the municipal sewers. There are also two shafts here to connect the wells (one in the barn) to the water table below.

    The secret stairs from the wine cellar connect to a small area here, with more stairs continuing even further below.

    Here's a zoomed-in look at the chute that also shows a closer look at the effluent (with sheet effects copied in from Sinister Sewers).

    LoopysueRicko HascheQuenten
  • [WIP] Haunted Mansion

    Ooops, I posted an older version of floor three. Here's the correct one.

    LoopysueMonsenRicko Hasche
  • [WIP] Haunted Mansion

    Here's level 4 of the mansion. There were only supposed to be three floors of the main mansion plus the tower, but when I was halfway through the third floor, I noticed that the main mansion has a central section that rises above the others. I decided to make that more of a rough attic storage space with a few rough servants' rooms. The tower doesn't connect here, but you can see it has been turned into a wizard's workshop. It extends up one more flight.

    And I just noticed that I never posted the third floor.

    Third Floor

    Fourth Floor

    QuentenLoopysueRicko HascheCalibre