



Last Active
November 29, 1950
Real Name
Quenten Walker

Latest Images

  • Asunta Town - parchment city style

    Ahead of tonight's session, I thought I would give this style a go, so I have plenty of questions to ask if I run into any issues. I am sure it will be greatly improved after Ralf's expert tuition.

    LoopysueRicko HascheRalfRoyal ScribeMapjunkieCalibreJuanpi
  • Community Atlas - Forlorn archipelago - The Bleakness, 2 villages and 2 keeps

    At least it is all fixable, Jim. Lots of love to you.

  • Deithardt-Kolsven Region

    This is the thread where all discussion on this region will now be held.

    Here are three regions fairly completely mapped - the last being the least complete.

    First, the 'Viking' kingdom of Kolsven

    Next, the once great empire of Deithardt

    With a close up of the remnants of Deithardt itself

    Two nations to the north of Deithardt - Varnavna - not so complete

    And Vuksatem

    Finally, the least complete (what I am working on at present, East Bolasov (I had to divide Bolasov into two, as otherwise the overall map became too large - and perhaps that will make for a regional and perhaps ethnic difference - eg like East and West Ukraine).

    MonsenRicko HascheGlitchJimPJuanpi
  • Weldarmon-Gyaflaggio region

    This stream will be dedicated to this region only.

    I am still undecided whether to use Schley Symbols for the structures, or more generic ones, as shown here. Opinions very welcome, and in fact necessary. In places I have used both, with one or other to be removed once you all help me make my decision.

    Here are a few areas already mapped out fairly completely, with the last the least complete to date.

    This is THE core area, with many adventure sites already mapped and keyed in with both map and text links.

    This is the whole of Gyaflaggio - not complete in the western area of the map.

    These are small nations to the north of Gyaflaggio

    This is Western Bolasov - the least complete so far, and no use of Schley structure symbols. Comments on that please.

    MonsenRicko HascheJimP
  • Myirandios Regions mapped in detail.

    I have decided to not continue with my other worlds, but go back to my original Myirandios world, which has so much lore already. This is what I hope to publish as an RPG supplement next year.

    There will initially be three main regions - two are outlined in red, the other is Logrid and Evain to the south.

    I will be using some of the ideas and maps and races I designed for the other worlds, so as not to waste stuff, and also because they are all designed with Myirandios at the back of my mind anyway.

    So here are the two Regional maps. The bigger one on the lower left is cut into two. Each grid is 1600 km x 1600 km (approx 1000 x 1000 miles).

    I have supplied the altitude and climate maps.

    These are the two regions, at their very beginning.

    The Hardin region first, inspired by Harnworld.

    This is the larger region, divided into two halves.

    As you can see, I have already done a lot of work on these already.

    The Weldarmon-Gyaflaggio region, which contains the core playing area:

    As you can see, it uses primarily symbols from Mike Schley.

    I will work on this under a different discussion thread.

    The second area - Deithardt-Kolsven region - to the east of this, uses both symbols and also bevel-lighted contours for the mountains, instead of Mountain symbols. I would be interested in your thoughts on this. I will eventually decide on one style for all the maps, of course. But input will be very helpful.

    Here is an inset showing the bevel way of doing the mountains, combined with symbols for other things.

    I do need to finesse this more, I do realize.

    Still not sure which way is best.
