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  • Galangar - The City of Gold and Red

    "Never go to Galangar without Gold, lest you become part of the Red"

    The idea of building slightly India/ Eastern-inspired SS6 city had been in my mind for a while.

    Made this sketch while on vacation and used it as a first trace:

    After a bit of fiddling around (the stairs took a bit of effort), I've now arrived at this:

    (Red is the colour, the emperor has assigned to all businesses participating in the "bloody" slave trade).

    The only thing still missing would be clouds, apart from minor embellishments and maybe a small map key.

    I've used a blurred water texture for the sky in the background and my current plan is to use layers of blurred / transparent / edge-faded white/ gray / snow texture rounded polygons for the clouds.

    Any suggestions for better clouds or other finishing touches?

    (And yes, I'd appreciate more Eastern - style SS6 content. And stairs! ;-) ).

    WyvernLoopysueRicko HascheseycyrusJimPMythal82roflo1RalfGlitchMonsenand 3 others.
  • Northwestern Midstad - A local area map for Splittermond

    And here's the possibly final map for this chapter of our Chronicle.

    My group was quicker than me finishing the map. They arrived, saw that the villain had been there before them (the corpse of the quest giver was...well ... a dead giveaway) and left in a hurry.

    Finished the map anyway, as they might return later.

    A larger version is in my gallery. And now I finally have a bit of "leisure map-playtime" :-).

    LoopysueJimPMonsenQuentenRicko HascheCalibreLautiRalf
  • Isometric Schley wishlist

    Good idea, Ricko.

    I'd especially appreciate the separate piers and additional plants.

    I'd also really like different kinds of stairs (small wooden/ large Stone)? to provide universal means of traversing height differences.

    JimPRicko Hasche
  • Northwestern Midstad - A local area map for Splittermond

    Here are the first two villages on the Northwestern backroad.

    Weidling, with an emptied but still used temple of the banned witch-goddess:

    And Föhrenberg, where there's recently been a bit of unrest.

    Larger versions are in my gallery - as usual.

    JimPLoopysueMonsenseycyrusRicko HascheProchaskaQuentenCalibre
  • Northwestern Midstad - A local area map for Splittermond

    Wanted to create a more detailed local area map for our next Splittermond sessions, because one of our characters knows the area very well and there's a high likelyhood of overland chases.

    Used the official in game map from the Witch Queen adventures as base and added details until I was happy with the result.

    Style used is Mike Schley Overland.

    A larger version is in my gallery.

    Have a great Sunday! :)

    LoopysueDaltonSpenceroflo1JimPQuentenMonsenMapjunkieGlitchRicko HascheCalibreand 3 others.