
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

Latest Images

  • Endoria

    Ok the over detailed map of Endoria is completed. Well almost still have to do political regions and do some font work and naming. I know there my be some areas that need a little work still.

    Comments and suggestions welcome. - Larger image in gallery

    LoopysueJimPJulianDracosMonsenGlitch[Deleted User]Ricko HascheRalfEukalyptusNowadelia hernandezand 3 others.
  • Community Atlas - Berenur - Temple of Aeniar

    Well with the exception of some possible adjustments the Green city of Aeniar is completed. Comments and suggestions welcome. Larger image in gallery.

    Monsen[Deleted User]LoopysueJimPMapjunkieWyvernDaltonSpenceRicko Haschepablo gonzalezEukalyptusNowand 3 others.
  • [WIP] Winter Village

    Decide to try out the Winter Village annual. I have posted a daylight and Night versions. I have just started the map and I'm still working on the direction that I want to go with this project.

    I think it needs the annual needs more accessory symbols as it seems kind of bare.

    Comments and suggestion always welcome.

    roflo1[Deleted User]LoopysueRalfMonsenWazzebuWyvernJimPEukalyptusNowpablo gonzalezand 5 others.
  • [WIP] Road to Despair - Endoria Regional Map

    My first regional map from the world of Endoria I developing for a guy at work. The road is the only path through the Great Northern Mountains. His party needs to gain access to the Cavern of Despair for their Quest.

    Comments and suggestions welcome.

    High Resolution version in gallery

    Mapjunkie[Deleted User]LoopysueMonsenEukalyptusNowRicko HascheWyvernroflo1JulianDracosadelia hernandezand 1 other.
  • Schleyscapes Map

    I decided to throw together a quick map using nothing but the Mike Schley Schleyscapes token sets. I hope someday Profantasy includes these in a new collection so they can be used for the atlas.

    Tokens are from the meadow series, Borders, Campsites, Features, Lairs, Desolation and the Terrain Tiles sets.

    Larger image in Gallery

    hsv216[Deleted User]TheschabiRicko Hascheroflo1adelia hernandezLautipablo gonzalezCalibreWazzebuand 2 others.
  • Happy Holidays !!

    Happy Holidays to everyone. Be safe and enjoy your time with family and friends.

    JimPLoopysueMonsenRicko HascheRalfWyvernroflo1WeathermanSwedenadelia hernandezpablo gonzalez
  • Community Atlas - Berenur - Temple of Aeniar

    I just made a change to the finished map. Added my signature icon to the map. New map posted in gallery. Here is now the finished map.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]WyvernDaltonSpenceMapjunkieRalfpablo gonzalezEukalyptusNowRicko HascheJimPand 1 other.
  • Endoria

    We picked it up from the printers today.

    Started as this

    Finished product. Blurred out owner of map.

    [Deleted User]MonsenJulianDracosLoopysueRicko HascheJimPEukalyptusNowpablo gonzalezadelia hernandez
  • Turia / Uldiar Region of Berenur (Atlas)

    Here is the final map. Added some exploration areas and added couple of islands. I also resized the fonts. Attached are the .FCW files for the regional map, Mah Asari and Roadhouse. Remy should already have the map for Austfiroir.

    EukalyptusNowLoopysueJimProflo1[Deleted User]WyvernRalfMaidhc O CasainDaltonSpenceRicko Hascheand 3 others.
  • City of Torlok

    I have been doing some maps for a guy at work trying to bring his 20 year old world to life beyond rough pencil drawings and what he has locked inside his head. Most of the stuff I have done so far is new dungeons and encounter maps. I have been working to create a world map which is still a WIP. He gave me a map of Torlok and I thought he wanted me to draw that city map. I started working on it based on a crude drawing and some written information about the city. Turns ou he only gave me the map for reference of what types of stuff he wanted inside towns, villages and cities. After seeing the early stages of the map he gave me the go ahead to complete it and change things as long as the basic idea was still there. This is what I came up with. Still needs some work and at some point it needs labels but thought I would post it to see what I need to do to improve on it.

    First larger scale city map.

    Comment and suggestions welcome as always.

    MonsenLoopysueMythal82[Deleted User]Maidhc O Casainroflo1WyvernRicko HascheDaltonSpenceJimPand 3 others.