



Last Active
May 17, 1988
Salzgitter, Germany
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  • Survivors Camp in a zombieapocalypse setting

    Finally found the time to do a map of "HOPE", the settlement in our Biohazard campaign.

    Even though the first season is over, there is another one to come, so we might need it.

    And for the first time ever I played around with doing a night version of one of my maps. With the huge lights on the guard towers, watching the area and keeping an eye on the surroundings. Especially, since they decided to keep the forest around. But the wall, the barbed wire and the trench help to keep things safe.

    Can't wait to get back to playing in that setting...

    LoopysueDaniel Pereda De Pablo[Deleted User]MonsenLoreleiRalfFersusroflo1WyvernLillhansand 4 others.
  • Festive Winter Card Challenge - Ended - Please vote for your favorite

    I did a landscape for the card, having used inspiration by your beautiful night landscape map, Ricko!

    RickoMonsenjmabbottLillhansLoopysue[Deleted User]ShessarDaltonSpenceWyvernWeathermanSwedenand 3 others.
  • [WIP] City of Accordo (Ferraris Style)

    Finally done.

    The GM is happy with it and tomorrow we can play in this sprawling maincity of the trade empire. 😁

    (But...I'll need 1-2 other major regions as well... and we want to keep it in the same style. Oh boy...the next challenges await!)

    LoopysueKathleen Ann CoxKenM[Deleted User]GlitchDaltonSpenceLillhansEdERalfEukalyptusNow
  • [WIP] Modern city map

    I'm doing lots of progress on my map of the city of Oakwood, the setting for our upcoming 90s horror campaign.

    Lots of tiny details, places of interest, even the home of the PCs is already marked with modern map markers found online.

    Numbers will be added to easily find what we're looking for.

    When it's done, I'll test the large export tutorial for it.

    LoopysueMonsen[Deleted User]AleDroflo1WyvernJimPRickoLillhans
  • [WIP] City of Accordo (Ferraris Style)

    Changed the font (even though I liked the old one, but since my GM uses the Dungeon World font for the materials he's creating, I switched to that too)

    LoopysueJimPMonsen[Deleted User]DaltonSpenceRickoAleDLauti
  • [WIP] City of Accordo (Ferraris Style)

    I'm currently working on a fantasy city for our Dungeon World campaign that started last week.

    A baroque, mediterranean inspired sprawling city. Lots of roads, a bit of hills in the countryside, and the major districts marked.

    Next will be hundreds of fields, followed by terrain and then come the houses.

    That will take some time.

    I might change the orientation of the map after being done with most of the details except the text. Because it's not orientated in the classical, normed way. Well, we'll see.

    [Deleted User]LoopysueMonsenTheschabiGlitchLoreleiLautiCalibreRickoJimP
  • [WIP] Parchment Style Map

    And now it's done. In two versions, one with regular background, one a bit more pale. I like them both.

    Royal ScribeLoopysueRickoJimPMonsenRalf
  • Searching for symbols for WW2 and modern military vehicles, artillery etc.

    And the second one. Got everything I need for the map I'm working on today. Huzzah! Onward to...more mapping. ^^

    MonsenLoopysueJimP[Deleted User]Lillhansroflo1
  • [WIP] City of Accordo (Ferraris Style)

    In other games, this would indeed make sense, aye. Like I tried to avoid showing every building in my Achtung!Cthulhu maps, because that wouldn't be needed anyway.

    But Dungeon World is largely player driven and improvised, so there is no way to know in which areas the group might encounter combat in the city. There are different areas that might be more dangerous than others. But Dungeon World doesn't use encounter maps anyway, so the map is mostly to have some rough orientation in the city (before venturing outwards into other regions of the continent).

    And I think that map style needs to be overly detailed to properly shine, at least when compared to the original Ferraris maps. 😁

    I would feel bad if I didn't do it justice.

    But most buildings won't get any description or stuff. The important ones will get a number, so the GM can write a list what it is. I'll leave that to him 😁

    Loopysue[Deleted User]CalibreAleDjmabbottDak
  • [WIP] City of Accordo (Ferraris Style)

    The city blocks aren't added, and the effects aren't final (same as text colours etc), but it's coming together slowly, and at least the different city quarters are in, so even the WIP version will help at the table tomorrow.
