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  • Trying to salvage a very old map....

    Well, here it is. The Eastern Continent as much as I can see of it. Some areas are left 'blank' for the GM to fill in.

    LoopysueQuentenRicko HascheRoyal ScribeJimPDaltonSpenceseycyrusjmabbottRalfGeorge
  • WIP: Mor Stonisch

    Greets, fellow Artists,

    Here's one of the maps I've been working on lately. It's a strange, mysterious island few can ever reach in my campaign world. Of course, the Adventurers were able to do so. It's been a challenge since the area is so small:

    Definitely still working on this one. Please, critique at will!


    MonsenDaltonSpenceGlitchLoopysue[Deleted User]LillhansEdEJulianDracosDakJimPand 2 others.
  • WIP: Calibre vs Beleriand...

    Greets, everyone

    Well, here is my final version pending critique from you lot ๐Ÿ˜

    Background Info:

    I've set the adventures in FA 310. Feanor is long dead, the High Kingship of the Noldor has passed to Fingolfin. Maedhros has been rescued; Maeglin is already born. Glaurung attacked centuries ago and it is now The Long Peace. My players chose to be liegemen of House Finarfin, so we start in Nargothrond (can't wait to do the maps!). We run it in RoleMaster and it is very High Level, which I am not yet accustomed to. We shall see how this turns out heh heh heh.

    LoopysueTonnichiwaJimPMonsen[Deleted User]DaltonSpenceWyvernDakLillhans
  • Community Atlas Project - Download information - Contributions Welcome

    They should be and ack! I knew I forgot something. Know how you stare at your artwork and go...hmm, something isn't right. What?!?!? LOL. My instructor in college used to make us look at our work with a mirror to see 'flaws' more easily. Maybe I should start doing that again heh. And, thanks! :)

    This what you mean, Sue? I hope.


    PS: I had major issues with CC3+/DD3 which I will open a new discussion on.

    @monsen Here is my submission, thanks.

    LoopysueWyvernMonsenJimPWeathermanSweden[Deleted User]jmabbottAleDRicko Hasche
  • Troy Montana, semi-final version

    Hey my fellow artists,

    Here is a semi-final map of the area of our current game:

    I say 'semi-final' because I have never been able to call a project finished in all my long years of artwork.

    Please critique


    LoopysueMonsenJimPLautiRicko Haschemike robeljmabbottDak
  • A sketchy map for a new game...

    Hey all,

    Here's a sketch map, per the GM's instructions on how he wanted it to look. Question: is there a style that more clearly/concisely mimics this style? Also, I forgot how Remy told us to make symbols, so I got lazy and just drew it all.



  • WIP: Calibre vs Beleriand...

    And, the winner is, so far, yep, Beleriand. ๐Ÿ˜

    Here's a map I will be using for another version of my Middle-earth Campaign. This is for when the major group cannot play and I have 1 or 2 who can make it. As you can see, I'm fighting symbol resizing and text layout as usual. Any advice will be appreciated.


    LoreleiRalfLoopysue[Deleted User]jmabbottFarsightX3WyvernMedioDaltonSpenceLillhansand 1 other.
  • WIP: Hiero's Journey

    Here's a first attempt at Namcush. Needs work, I know. Any advise is most definitely welcome.


  • Trying to salvage a very old map....

    Hey all,

    I'm working on this map currently. It's an old, old map of Witch World. One of our players has decided he wants to GM (Using GURPS) and the setting is Witch World by Andre Norton. I drew this map from an online version of Escore. Many of the regions are original to me; some are not. As you can see, the TEXT really needs work. I'll update you on my progress.

    If you have any advice, hit me with it ๐Ÿ˜


    Royal ScribeLoopysueJulianDracosRicko HascheOctorillaRalfMapjunkieseycyrus
  • WIP: Falling Water Clan House Wang Gou

    Hey all,

    Well, I've driven myself insane by doing this for our GM running the Wang Gou campaign. Still much to do. I do cheat a little with CUASC symbols. Mainly because I'm going to give the FCW to the GM and he's limited in available resources for CD and DD.

    PS: if you know of a 'better' shoji symbol, please let me know.


    I should advise: I used a bitmap I prepared for an actual Asian style castle/house for this. Some of the architectural choices still puzzle me--and I've studied Art History heh. In some areas, wall thickness varied greatly, while others not so much, and so on...๐Ÿ˜

    [Deleted User]LoopysueMonsenWyvernJimPjmabbottDak