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  • Occidental Island

    Just another 'Nonsense' map from me. I'm trying out different templates, but confess that I'm happiest with Overland styles.

  • WIP Ruins of Charn

    Following my other Narnia map I am trying to recreate part of the ruins of Charn from Magician's Nephew.

    here's what I've done so far. I have immense problems with isometric maps which is why the throne room is wonky! Comments appreciated.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeEdEJulianDracosJuanpi
  • WIP 1000th map competition - Bittern's Rest

    Here's the latest manifestation of the land around Bittern's Rest. I've got a few trees on the map as well now, but as the original map by Wyvern looked as though it was a very dry area I've kept that in mind when placing vegetation. The stream floods massively and provides the only fertile land. I'm going to try to do an underground map focussing on the Plague Pits but as it will be a first for me I don't know if I'll link the two files in time.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeMonsenRicko
  • WIP Ettinsmoor and northern Narnia

    Another 'inspired by Pauline Baynes' map.

    I've had no end of problems with the north eastern part of the map, putting way too many mountains and getting the right background but I am reasonably happy with the result. As ever, comments are appreciated.

  • WIP, suggestions please

    This is a work in progress. I will change the colour of the islands - but it has a number that is easy to remember (8). What else do you suggest?

    LoopysueJimPWyvernMathieu Gans
  • Naomis Floorplans live stream

    I just had to tell the cat-owned people here that my cat Storm was fascinated by the part where Ralf was showing how to set up lights. She sat trying to catch Ralf's pointer, completely blocking my view of course, but she had me in stitches!

    Royal ScribeLoopysueRalfCalibre
  • WIP 1000th map competition - Bittern's Rest

    I'm acutely aware that I'm doing a vastly different map than those submitted so far, so I thought I'd put it in some kind of context.

    I am a proud nerd and as such I do background reading if it's something I feel I need to do. My village is kind of based on what a remote village from the 13th - 14th century in England may have been like in terms of layout, though I'm not copying any actual map. My village is entirely a figment of my imagination.

    So don't expect the wonderfully detailed maps that others have [and will have] submitted. I'm simply having fun crafting my best map that meets the criteria set down by Remy.

    Royal ScribeLoopysueMonsenWyvern
  • a magic? map

    This was a whimsical post, @Loopysue , designed for fun. I'm working on the 'proper' map even as I type - more or less

  • What does this mean

    It is - her name's Bubz [short for Bubbles] and she's 15.

    I do have Perspectives3 but it isn't installed any more - I'm waiting for a new computer which will make things faster and I'll have a totally clean install.

    note the order of my comments!

  • How long have you been using Campaign Cartographer?

    I've been intermittently mapping for about ten years, and like @Loopysue I write - or try to! I come and go between the to but my maps are more certain to be finished than my stories.

    I'm much happier with the Overland styles but I've set myself a challenge to gradually work through all the templates I purchased since 2015-ish and that includes dungeons and perspectives. The last named will almost certainly be a too-hard nut to crack as I have spatial awareness glitches, the blueprints template was nearly a task too far and that's why its not graced the forum even as a plea for help.

    LoopysueDon Anderson Jr.Mapjunkie