
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

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  • Endoria

    @Loopysue Thank You, I will be glad to see the printed version of the regular map after 6 months of work that I put into the overland map. I'll get a couple weeks break to work on my stuff then it's dungeon maps again. It was a really good learning experience.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]JimPEukalyptusNow
  • The Creepy Crypt project

    How about some of the above ground items having moss/fungi growing on them as well

  • A Country Town

    Thanks Sue.

    I think I'll keep it the way it is. Now that I added the shadow effect to the temple which I forgot earlier and made it smaller I think the coloring works for what I'm looking for.

    The copy I posted in my gallery has an added wall and horses to the top center building to make it the stable for town visitors.

  • Text goes behind symbols

    Make sure your placing your text on the text sheet and that the text sheet is lower (towards bottom) in the sheets list than the symbols sheet. Also make sure you haven't placed the symbols on the text sheet somehow. Make sure the text sheet is selected (checkmark) and hide all the other sheets and this will show you what is on the text sheet. You can repeat for other sheets to verify what is on the sheet.

    The sheets are drawn from the top of the list to the bottom of the list. So anything above the text sheet list is drawn first and will be below the text. Anything after the text sheet is drawn on top of the text sheet.

    JimPThomas Broadfoot
  • Question - Darklands - Active Sheet Effects - Rivers Run Green

    The green color water is a trademark of darklands. Look at the sheet effects and you will see an RGB matrix which changes the color. just uncheck it if you want blue water.

    LoopysueColter Snethen
  • Your CC3+ folder seems to contain a version more recent than this update after installing annuals

    Yes just hit ok.

  • Forest Lair

    I added the antialiasing(15) to the export and exported the jpeg from CC3+ instead of converting the PNG which also looks like it was part of the issue.

    Changed the antialiasing to 33% per Sue

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Actually they do look different. The ones on the left show the roof texture where the ones on the right don't show the roof texture but show snow texture. There is a difference. The difference is the left set shows/represents a light snowfall or melt off later in the season and the right set shows a much heavier snow cover either after a heavy snow or during the middle of the season. The circle on each to me shows the same assumption even though the left circle is ice, it could easily be dirt with a light snow covering using sheet effects showing either a light snow or melt off starting in high traffic areas, where the right is more packed snow from people walking over it in a high traffic area. Using both styles of houses will give people more choices. If you were working on this set in the summer instead of now, I most likely would not have brought up the two sets. Right now the right set is representative of where I live and and the left set was represented back in October or again in March or April.

    Yes to most people there is only slight difference between the two styles of houses but from someone that lives in the stuff for at least half the year there is big difference between the two styles. I hope you do choose to keep both but understand if you choose to only include the left set when released.

    By the way Sue thank you for listening to us and giving us the ability to offer input on your winter style.

  • Could someone please convert some .FCW files for me?

    I’ll do it for you. Send me a message and we can work out the details of the file transfer

    David David KatzmanMonsenLoopysue
  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery

    First Floor: Updated

    Latest Version of the first floor.

    Comments and suggestions welcome.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]