
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

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  • [WIP] Kalimdor

    Use both use the spectrum trees for the snowy areas and the darkland trees for the other areas and throw in some autumn spectrum where you think they would work. In my Endoria map I'm currently using symbols from 4 different styles even though the overall map is spectrum overland. Also using fills from multiple styles so consider using the snow fills from spectrum where you need them.

    Her is a sample using spectrum, darklands and the HW together. And yes the terrain is the rusty metal from darklands. Thought it fit well for what I was trying to do for the area

    LoopysueRicko HascheJimPpablo gonzalez
  • WIP: Orchish Hoard (First Overland Map)

    Even though I have had CC for years I have never really used it. So I decided to buy a PC and start learning CC3+. This started out as a map for someone at work. It did not fit their current campaign world, so I decided to keep working on it while I'm waiting on more information about their game world.

    The idea was the Orcish hoard was invading to the south so I tried to show the destruction of the land as the hoard moved south. The pollution/corruption of the rivers and the darkness that was over taking the land. I thought the Darklands theme as a good representation of what I was try to portray.

    Please let me know what you think and how to improve things.

  • Endoria


    Yes that is what I did but most of the areas are pretty blank with just some landmark stuff.

    Well I knew this was going to happen I just ran into memory issues trying to export the jpeg. This is a huge map with lots of stuff so now I need to figure out how to either reduce the scale or start over which I really do not want to do.

    Here is what I have now. lower resolution as I could not export any higher.

    [Deleted User]adelia hernandezLauti
  • WIP: Exeder

    Wyvern just for you.

    Exeder in Overland Hex Style

    And as a Bonus Exeder in Spectrum Overland Hex. I still have some work to do on the map but wanted to get it posted with the overland style to compare.

  • Forest Lair

    I tried some of the suggestions and changed the grid color to see if that helps.

    [Deleted User]JimPEukalyptusNowMonsen
  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery

    Does this look better and thank you for the tip.

    I found better furnaces and I changed the lighting to match them. Think I have the basement just about right except maybe change the light levels and darken it up a little more.

    Comments and suggestions are welcome.

  • Endoria

    If anyone is interested the map uses the follow styles:

    1) CA163 Spectrum Overland - Main Style

    2) CA173 Darklands - symbols and fills

    3) CA63 Herwin Wielink Overland - Symbols and fills

    4) Mike Schley Overland - Symbols

    5) SS5 Cities of Schley - Symbols and Walls

    6) CA170 Banners and Seals - Symbols

    7) EucalyptusNow - How to Create Decorative Symbols by Tracing Tutorial (Not shown on posted map)

  • Richardson Roadhouse

    First Attempt at lighting the roadhouse.

    Comments welcome

    JimPLoopysueRicko HascheCalibre
  • [WIP] Atlas Contest : Ingensteds Village, Seal Island, Alarius

    Unless someone fines a glaring issue I missed, I think this will be the final rendition. Added larger image to gallery.

    Adjusted the cliff shadows and added the moonlit night effect and added the smoke to the buildings. Also added the frame back in the design.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeMonsen
  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery

    Second Floor: Still a work in progress

    Mash Room and whiskey storage and bottling room are located on this floor.

    Comments and suggestions welcome.

    Loopysueroflo1[Deleted User]JimP