
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

Latest Images

  • [WIP] Atlas Contest : Ingensteds Village, Seal Island, Alarius

    Still a WIP. Need to add some more details and adjust the fonts but thought I would post to get some ideas of what may need to be changed / adjusted.

    Ingensteds is a remote village on Seal island in Alarius. The area is covered in snow most of the year and the sea ice rarely recedes from the land. The people that live in the village like or even relish the isolation. The community works together to collect food and collect resources they need to survive.

    LoopysueGlitchRoyal ScribeQuentenRicko HascheC.C. CharronShessar
  • [WIP] City of Mar-Goth

    I'm currently working on a new city and using a different style this time around. The city is based on information from the person I'm making the map for so I'm trying to get as many elements into the map as possible. I have posted 2 versions of the map one with out the key and one with the key. The key version needs the fonts tweaked but I'm looking to see if they way I want to do the text and key works for people if I get the font style and coloring the way I like it.

    Comments and suggestions are welcome as always.

    roflo1WazzebuLoopysue[Deleted User]EukalyptusNowCalibrejmabbott
  • Schleyscapes Map

    Made adjustments to the night version.

    roflo1LoopysueMonsenJimPRicko Hascheadelia hernandez
  • Forest Lair

    Yes it already has a glow applied.

    Ok I tried this but it looked like it was already set to that setting but applied it anyway.

    Changed the grid back to black.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]JimPEukalyptusNowroflo1
  • [WIP] Winter Village

    Ok here is the Night version #2 with 15% light a small adjustment just to darken up the image a bit. Each color light and type of light are on their own sheet.

    Higher Resolution image in gallery.

    comments and suggestions welcome.

    Monsen[Deleted User]LoopysueJimPRicko Hasche
  • Turia / Uldiar Region of Berenur (Atlas)

    I decided to use the World of Wonders style for my regional atlas map. At first I did not like the symbols but they are growing on me. Still has much more work to go but it is coming along slowly.

    I have named the cities from the original map and have already added a few. I have placed a city so I can use the Mar-Goth city map (Mah Asari) in the atlas. Thinking of adding a spot for my Richardson Roadhouse map also, just so the regional map has some additional maps when it goes live.

    Not sold on the text color but I'll deal with the text after the rest of the map is completed.

    Comments and suggestions welcome.

    roflo1LoopysueMaidhc O Casain[Deleted User]adelia hernandezpablo gonzalez
  • WIP - First Town / Village

    Just for you. I redid the shady part of town and even changed the building to reflect a more rundown area.

  • A Country Town


    Ok I made the recommended changes and added a shadow effect to the hedges and rock walls. I also changed the temple colors and toned them down a little.


    I'm changing the temple colors with RGB martix effects and / or Hue and Saturation adjustments on a separate sheet, as I don't want to edit the images themselves. The one I can't get to change is the Keep 01 symbol. I have not found a way to dark this up without editing the image itself.

    FersusLoopysueEukalyptusNowRicko HascheCalibre
  • Schleyscapes Map

    Another quick one I threw together using the Schleyscape tokens. Used a few extra symbols from other sets also in this one. Larger size in gallery

    [Deleted User]hsv216LoopysueRicko HascheDaniel Pereda De Pablo
  • Richardson Roadhouse


    My lighting idea was after the tavern was closed. I added a couple of lights per your suggestion but most of the tables have empty jugs not candles on them so I left them as is and added the lights by the restrooms. Also changed the outside lighting as I really only wanted the map info lighted.

    Loopysue[Deleted User]JimPRicko HascheMonsen