
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

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  • Limited Warfare

    I like the map and the idea. Also thanks for the distraction of doing cavern maps.

  • [WIP] Lighting Strike

  • [WIP] Winter Village

    Night version @15% lighting

  • My First Floorplan: Cybperpunk Club

    Try increasing to 80000000 - helped on my aurura image. what is your anti alias set at it should be at least 35% but don't go too high.

  • SS6 - Isometric Cities

    I like the Mike Schley dungeon style and the city style is growing on me but not a fan of the overland style. Even though I may never use this style for a project I will buy it for two reasons.

    1) Never say never it may actually get used in a future project.

    2) To support Profantasy and if sales are good it should encourage them to add additional symbol sets in other styles and hopefully in a more modern / SciFi setting.

  • Text inside a box

    I think I know what the answer is going to be but I need to ask. I'm trying to put text inside a polygon on a map I'm doing just like Maidhc O Casain did in his Callum's Curiosity map for the contest. I've read through the tome but it really doesn't say much. I'm guessing that in multi line mode I just have to guess where to put the returns to start a new line to get the text inside the area I want the text to appear, like I did for my contest entry which was only a list and not a couple paragraphs of text.

    Is there an easier way to do text?

  • Need Style Suggestion for Azeroth (World of Warcarft) Map

    Think the suggestion would work for maps 1 & 3 but think about the parchment from darklands overlands style for the second. I would create a different overlay from the bloody one that comes with the style to more closely mimic the style of map 2.

  • WIP - My New World - Myrrhina

    It also depends on what look you want. I’m working on a large map (3500 x 2400 miles) and I’m using smaller fonts as I want them visible in a high res version when zoomed in but in standard res version don’t really care if the text is readable. As the text is a distraction from the map it self if the text size is readable.

    personnel choice as to what your looking for and what you want to bring attention to. The text or map it self.

    With that said it is possible to find a happy medium for text size depending on the size of the map.

    choice of font and color makes a big difference also. Don’t be afraid to use a more readable font for small text like on your borders. It doesn’t have to match the more fancy text your using for the other areas.

  • WIP - My New World - Myrrhina

    I would try changing your political boundaries to different colors for each area. You can have two or more areas with the same color boundary but just not next to each other. That would separate the boundaries better and make it easier to see where the boundaries are. I would also use polygons for the area with a filled color and a sheet effect to just show the boundary edges. after you use the smooth poly tool to make the boundary. then use the smooth to straight command to turn the area into a straight poly then you can use the trace command to trace the border of the neighboring region. Once your all done you can leave them as straight or change them back to smooth polys by using the straight to smooth command.

    Just an idea for you to think about.

    sample below - not all done but this is what I'm currently working on

  • WIP - My New World - Myrrhina

    The black looks better because you have the political colors covering the entire area instead of just outlined.
