
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

Latest Images

  • [WIP] August Mapping Competition -- Vertshusen Distillery

    First Floor

    Loopysue[Deleted User]
  • New install

    Nope use the key you already have.

  • Forest Trail project - part 2

    You can edit the grass terrain drawtools to put the various grass textures on different sheets. Doing so will keep the new sheet in each map you create as you are editing the tool itself so it's not tied to the map.

  • Live Mapping: Herwin Wielink Isometric Dungeons

    I don’t GM but I’m working on a set of maps for a guy at work and will use this style to help him understand how the escape route maps go together. It will be a series of maps for his party to leave the dungeon they will be in with stairs between each encounter area.

  • [WIP] Winter Village

    night version @35% lighting

  • Forest Trail project - part 1

    Yes I say keep both give people more options.

  • My First Floorplan: Cybperpunk Club

    have you set EXPORTSETMPPP to at least 40000000 ? this may help when exporting the image.

  • [WIP] Project-A


    CC3+ Closed - double click on .FCW file 16 seconds to open. (Effects are on when file opens)

    Click on toggle show light symbol buttons (Thank you Remy for that great tutorial) 15 seconds

    Toggle global sun off = 1 second

    toggle global sun back on = 15 seconds

    toggling effects on is also about 15 seconds

    The above testes were for the default size on screen if I zoom in to fill the window with the image it takes 18 seconds to redraw.

    rendering effects always triggers laptop fan to turn on

    rendering to jpg

    setting 5000 5000 300 ai 35% (exportsetmppp = 40000000) = 6 minutes 40 seconds it takes about a minute to get to the LIGHTS GLOBAL Sheet. It look like it is taking 5 minutes for the lights to render after the LIGHTS Global appears and then the message about writing the file to a jpg appears.

    setting 5000 5000 300 ai 35% (exportsetmppp = 80000000) = 7 minutes and 20 seconds

    Hope this helps

  • My First Floorplan: Cybperpunk Club

    Ok use the following setting to render the image.

    Enter this command:

    EXPORTSETMPPP - enter key

    80000000 -enter key

    then do your save as and select the image type you want and adjust options as below if needed. You can change the Width and height if you want but don't go too far above 35% antialias

    Here is how I set up the options in the save dialog before saving the jpg / png

    Also if you want editing lights to be easier create a sheet for each color and make sure you put each color light on the correct sheet. That way if you want to edit the pink lights hide all the other color lights and your light list will be easier to deal with.

  • My First Floorplan: Cybperpunk Club

    Yep looks good now. Glad I could help. The lights behind the bar don’t look so strange now.

    You have a purple/pink light in the upper left corner that appears to be set at 180 and facing the wall. It has a very hard line caused but the setting but the same corner in the lower left has a 360 light. I would change that upper light to 360 to remove the long harsh line it is creating unless that was the intent.

    Try changing the light at 33,187 from 90 to 360.
