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  • When can I Fear the Easter Cities?

    @Scimon commented: These Easter cities are small, those are far away...

    No, sorry, I still don't get it...


    [That would be a more distant Ted comment, obviously.]

  • Community Atlas: Map for the Duin Elisyr area, Doriant

    All the places that have been either mapped or reserved are shown as such in the online Atlas. Everywhere else is free to choose from - and don't forget that even if somewhere has already been mapped at some level, you could always map a smaller piece of that, down to a room in a house or a dungeon (or even smaller places!) if that hasn't been mapped in detail yet, should you choose to. There are no limits except your imagination!

    You can reserve a place or places by commenting on this Forum topic, or by contacting the Atlas' organiser and coordinator, Remy Monsen.

    Full information can be found out regarding all aspects of mapping for the Atlas on the How to Contribute page of the Atlas.

    Royal Scribe
  • Floor Tiles

    Dread's the one that uses a Jenga tower to resolve actions instead of dice, so it isn't for everyone (if you have real-life dexterity issues, say), although speaking as someone who has such problems, it can be a fun system for one-off games. I once saved the remaining survivors from a zombies-in-space game at a Free RPG Day some years ago, by doing the impossible and removing probably the last Jenga piece before the tower would have collapsed, to achieve the sort-of win (you don't really "win" in Dread though!). We had folks from the other tables imaging the tower after the event, as they couldn't quite believe it either!

    C.C. Charron
  • Floor Tiles

    I'd have thought cats would love Jenga towers. Might not be a "tower" for very long, but...😉🐱

    C.C. Charron
  • WIP - Senan

    Indeed, good luck with the surgery. As someone who also has manual dexterity problems, I can quite appreciate the problems. CC's been a definite boon in this regard.

  • Floor Tiles

    @C.C. Charron commented: I never finished the map for Dread, played anyway. Everyone died.

    Typical game of Dread then 😉!

  • Community Atlas: Map for the Duin Elisyr area, Doriant

    @Don Anderson Jr. commented: For me personally the text looks to fuzzy. Can the glow be lowered so the text edges are sharper, or is that the aesthetic you are going for? (or did you compress the image a lot during conversion?)

    I think it's just an issue with the resolution here on the Forum Don. The symbols also look pretty fuzzy to my eye right now on these shots. At a higher res on screen and in printout (at the level the map'll be available in its final version in my Gallery), it looks fine. I am also using a smaller size image than the maximum allowable here for these WIP shots to try to keep things a bit more manageable, as they're really just for general illustrative purposes. I did run a few tests to adjust the text glow early on, and this was certainly the better option from those at the "proper" resolution levels.

    Back to the mapping, if with a shorter update today.

    Adding the randomly-allocated features to the lower left quadrant meant dropping-in a couple of more substantial pieces of woodland, as already identified from the Duin Elisyr base map. That in turn meant thinking of adding some further smaller scraps of woods elsewhere, all of which quickly snowballed into adding place names for some of the main rivers, peaks and valleys, along with the first extra trails. There was also some tweaking of a few river lines, thinning some out, adjusting the courses of more, and suchlike. Plus amending the line of the pass road to better fit alongside the southern river out of it, now named as the Saskulaana. So it's all starting to look a bit more "lived-in", with just the upper left quarter to complete:

    More tweaking of already-placed elements is likely, of course, and at some stage soon, I'll need to find somewhere to put the title, scale and compass pointer!

  • WIP: ICS Immaculate Radiance

    Don't forget an alternate bridge to command the vessel if it's liable to see combat. Even if the primary bridge is buried deep, that's no guarantee it'll survive the first minutes of an encounter, as it's the classic place to aim for if your targeting is good enough.

    Bridge location is heavily dependent on the tech too, as Don notes. Normal windows are useless for anything other than pretty views of whatever's close-by, for instance, so some tech for even "normal viewing" is essential to avoid endlessly wondering if that faint star's a faint star, a massive enemy vessel or a missile heading directly at you. Even massive craft become near-invisible dots at astonishingly tiny interplanetary distances after all!

    Dalton, not sure what you're meaning by "texture for the hull that resembles the white complex details of a Star Wars ship", as I thought there were various bitmap options for the rectangular plate effects on imaginary craft like this in Cosmographer already. The Dundjinni Archives have more variants too, and Storyweaver Highspace, for instance. Maybe you're meaning some other kind of texture though? (I'm not very up on Star Wars tech, as I've long found it too unbelievable to be interesting.)

    Don Anderson Jr.
  • [WIP] Sea Elves Outpost

    Yep, a mapper after my own heart - wanting to make maps complicated, with many different features that can be accessed only by turning layers on or off 😉😁!

    Only point I would make is the undersea plants need direct sunlight (or a magical equivalent) to grow, and many tunnels and rooms seem to be entirely roofed-over. Since the water seems to be shallow enough around the island, you could add giant kelp forests in places there (which could help further disguise the undersea access tunnels), as well as other marine plants to help here. They really needn't be just close to the shoreline, as so long as the water's less than about 200 metres deep, there'll be enough sunlight for photosynthetic growth.

    Royal Scribe
  • isometric throne symbols

    It looks to me as if two of the Throne images have been omitted from the set with Temple of Bones Annual, simply judging from their name-labels and the fact the Chair symbol has all four options correctly.

    If that can't be resolved, I found some ornate chairs under the Perspectives 3 Bitmap B options that might work (one is varicolor):

    Don Anderson Jr.