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  • Annual 2024?

    My email about this arrived around 6½ hours ago now. Resubbed already, naturally!

  • Castle in a Cloud

    That's a good point Jim about your maps using the Alyssa Faden clouds. Reminded me I did one myself! It's the Clack Valley area in Alarius for the Community Atlas. This is the version showing the clouds in my Gallery, while this is the version without clouds so you can compare, although the map's colouring makes it difficult to spot the shadows as well (which tend to be quite close to the clouds, towards the right).

  • Shout Out to Ralf

    You'll find there's a lot of catching-up to do, I suspect, so good luck with that!

    With the poll, I've never constructed actual languages for RPGs/mapping, though I've used bits of those others have done (or adapted them; Tolkien's the obvious, though not the only, one). What I have done more frequently is generate random names from tables, and then adapt those, tweaking the spelling/pronunciation quite often, and then giving the names a supposed meaning sometimes. Or sometimes just making up interesting-sounding words.

    As for the Annuals, while I have all of them, I've used only a fraction of them for actual mapping so far, though I do try to go with new styles when I'm doing maps for the Community Atlas especially. I agree with Sue though, that they all have their uses under different conditions and settings, and deciding which one(s) to use for each specific map is an interesting challenge in itself. Not found one I deliberately keep going back to repeatedly, as I'm always a bit concerned I'll get stale doing that (likely that's just me though😉!).

  • OSR Dungeon Tiles - Quick Test

    Glad you'd got it sorted now!

  • My Turn at a Parchment Map

    Interested to see how far back you'd faded the windrose lines in the latest map iteration.

    Just a thought, but for Pern, maybe the windrose centres should be on a few of the more significant weyrs, not on the sea (probably without the fancy symbol though, if so)?

  • Community Atlas: The Haunted Cloud Mesa Area of Kraken Island, Forlorn Archipelago

    You're welcome, Jim (although it was decided for me by the dice!).

    It has been a bit of a surprise during this little project so far to find that some places on Nibirum have been quite heavily mapped, others hardly at all. That does mean there's still plenty of scope for many other people to join in and add more maps in the less well-known places, of course 😁.

  • Community Atlas: The Haunted Cloud Mesa Area of Kraken Island, Forlorn Archipelago

    Ah right, hadn't realised that Remy. Thanks for the explanation!

  • Community Atlas: Gruvrå's Mine, Serkbergen, Peredur

    Actually, my description of how I organised where the maps were to go wasn't 100% accurate, as in one case, I DID actually use two dice-maps in the same place, Tlok-Pik in Nga-Whenuatoto, where the ruined above-ground temple dice design seemed to have been deliberately drawn to fit the subterranean map I'd already rolled-up. That was too good an opportunity to miss, I felt. Which is ever the way with randomness in such things - it should never get in the way of what you find interesting!

  • Community Atlas - Forlorn archipelago - The Bleakness, 2 villages and 2 keeps

    Sorry to hear this Jim. Good luck with the test, and a speedy resolution for the problem.

  • Annual Issue 15 - Heraldry Symbols

    Yes, the charges are vector symbols, with many nodes. There are also multiple entities in every symbol - lines and polygons - and the symbols are set up to go onto multiple sheets too. That does all make things run slower than normal, as the symbol is redrawn after every movement of the mouse. Irritating, but just how it is, unfortunately.

    Royal Scribe