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  • [WIP] Norrath

    You can create snowy hills and mountains in this style simply by choosing a suitable colour for the varicolor symbols. There is an Ice fill and an Icefield drawing tool already with CA95, so you'll just need to match the hills and mountains with that. You may need to adjust the bitmap fill scaling too, so the patterning doesn't get lost at this sort of world-level map size.

    Part of the problem may be the Alyssa Faden style isn't well-suited to world-size maps, so the default scaling is set against that. As the PDF notes with CA95 note, "Alyssa's style is a great one to depict small to medium level overland maps. For very large maps, the beautiful detail of the symbols might get lost a bit." Doesn't mean you can't do it, and it will probably suit the cartoony look of the original map you'd linked to with its over-sized symbols, just that you have more effort to put in for it to work how you'd like!

  • Stop teasing us Ralf !! :)

    Yeah, I have my spam folder on automatic view all the time, so it's definitely not appeared here still.

    Regardless of any individual requests, this is clearly something rather more major concerning the Newsletter. It's fine for folks in the know who visit the Forum regularly to work out what's happening, but there must be many more who don't - if a Newsletter doesn't arrive, how'd they know?

  • And like a bad penny, I keep showing back up!

    Oh yeah, 'cos finding and installing the programs again - and the Update last of all (don't forget the Update!!!) - is only the START of the process...πŸ’»οΈπŸ–±οΈπŸ˜‘πŸ€¬πŸ˜΅πŸ”¨ο»ΏπŸ—ΊοΈο»ΏπŸ˜

  • Stop teasing us Ralf !! :)

    Yes, I can confirm the e-mail reached me too, timed at 19:57 UTC on November 19. Unless that was sent as a separate, second tranche of messages because of the comments here (and I imagine more directly too), it still seems like something worth investigating to see what went wrong, so it (hopefully - computers & Internet, after all...) doesn't happen again. Well, not till next time anyway πŸ˜‰

  • Looking for Advice on Terrain Techniques

    Yes, the Trace command only works with Drawing Tools (the formal name for what you're calling "terrain tools"; your "drawing tools" are, slightly confusingly, known as Draw Tools - these are the simple lines and shapes), so you need to create a new Drawing Tool if you want to use the command, and the Drawing Tool currently doesn't exist.

  • City of Torlok

    D'you think he knows there's a giant skull monster trying to eat his head? πŸ˜‰

    The gold staff doesn't look quite right though. It seems as if it's behind his hand, not in it. Might be worth checking to see which sheet the staff's on, as if it's the staff version with the hand cutout, it should fit to look as if it's being gripped correctly.

  • Community Atlas: Errynor Map 33 - Siolforland

  • CSUAC Symbol Pack

    Yes there are. They're in their own sub-folder labelled "Scorpions" in a standard (however complex - CSUAC, after all...) installation.

  • Forest Trail project - part 2

    Tempted to say "cliff and the shadows" here, but that probably just dates me (and will likely prove too obscure for the youngsters hereabouts...) πŸ˜‰πŸŽ€πŸŽΈ

    Moving swiftly on - well done, Sue! 😁

  • Community Atlas: Dendorlig Hall - A Sort-Of D23 Dungeon for Nibirum

    Sounds like a plan, Monsen! Checking the Atlas maps and notes, would I need to connect it to Scott's "Darklands" as well? I'm a little hazy as to how far underground those might be, though there are a couple of small chasms already in this "Blue" that could be loosely claimed as descending far enough, without needing specific inter-map links - that by label 168 and in chamber 295 for instance (which latter could be converted to a chasm instead of a rocky cave wall - the original hand-drawn feature there was rather ambiguous).
