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  • Live Mapping: Ice Caverns

    ❄️Cool 😁❄️

  • Text inside a box

    Yes, CC3+'s text handling isn't great unfortunately, in all sorts of respects, but you do get used to its quirkiness after a while.

    Unfortunately, multi-line text entries don't allow anything like as much text as you might wish, so in reality, you're better off getting used to what CC3+ is capable of handling by using its text facilities, rather than getting endlessly irritated and frustrated by what it won't easily let you do, and switching to an alternative text editing mechanic.

    One trick I've used a few times is to set up a piece of multi-line text, then copy, paste and edit that for the next text segment. That way, you have a text block already on-screen in multi-line format, which gives you a better idea of how long your text lines can be before you need to switch to the next line down, when typing a paragraph. Doesn't always work easily, as most fonts aren't monospaced (= each character occupies the same amount of horizontal space), so that can cause further problems.

    Then there's the whole issue of text not staying where you put it at different viewing and rendering resolutions, which is a whole fresh level of "joy and delight" (not!).

  • Live Mapping: Jon Roberts Overland

    Yes, he did Sue. He also said to remind him if he forgot.

    What giant swamp flowers...? 🌼

  • Shadows of Yog-Sothoth

    Did you go for the HPLHS boxed set of props as well? Not a cheap addition if you've already gone halves on the two-inch 40th anniversary boxed set, but it does add to the mix quite nicely (there are a few gaps and oddities among the props, though nothing insurmountable in what I've come across so far; I am a LONG way from going through them all, however!).

  • Shadows of Yog-Sothoth

    I'm just a sucker for boxed sets, I think!

    The updated "Shadows" sounds very much in the pattern of "Horror" and "Masks". There are definitely things in some of these older scenarios that benefit from updating, reflecting modern sensibilities and changed attitudes since they were originally written. Plus the expanded features in both have been fascinating to see, so I'd expect an updated Shadows would be equally good (especially as I suspect I know at least one of the people heavily involved in its preparation!).

    Not sure I'm quite ready for an updated HPLHS props set to go with Shadows yet though - I haven't got through the props for the 40th anniversary reissue version yet!

  • Lovecraft's Providence

    So Elric of Pulp Cthulhu now? 😉

  • WIP - The Pink Lantern Quarter - A Kowloon Walled City Style Asian town map

    A scale-bar is pretty much essential, though north by default can often be assumed as "the top" of a map.

    It's easy to think a map like this won't really take that much time until you start it - we've all been there, I suspect!

    Worth the effort in the end though, as this looks really good!

  • Slaughter Touwen - Just a small battlemap

    So, nothing at all suspicious or unusual's been happening here then 😉

    For the stones, I might have gone with the thick black outline, but a paler grey fill. The solid black seems a bit overwhelming is all.

  • Community Atlas: Queen Mica's Scintillant Palace

    Nah, no point in racing. Map-making needs inspiration too, and sometimes that just won't be hurried 😊.

  • Smirnoff Castle

    Will you be mapping all the interiors too? That could be a really interesting project.

    However, I know castle mapping can be fun, but quite tricky, because of all the different levels inside, and getting the stairs (and sometimes ladders) to work to connect them all. It's almost as if medieval castle designers didn't intend for people in the future to make detailed maps of them 😉

    Ricko Hasche