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  • The Creepy Crypt project

    Who? Me? Ow! 😁

  • My First Attempt at Village Scale...

    Yeah; appreciate the problems!

    Good luck with it all anyway.

  • Latest Update Won't Download

    Glad you managed to sort this out Scott. I found the download speed was VERY variable yesterday evening when I picked-up the latest CC3+ Update (about 4 hours before your own attempt, from the time-stamp on your first post). Initially Windows "estimated" 20 minutes, which then rapidly increased to over an hour, before dropping back sharply after a few minutes. It actually downloaded in under ten minutes in the end. Seems likely there were some oddities ongoing all over, however.

    This afternoon here, I had my connection drop-out entirely for no obvious reason at all about 90 minutes ago. It does this from time to time, which I assume is something fairly local, though actually, it hadn't done it since last November till today.

  • The Creepy Crypt project

    And now we can do the old classic "Greek urn/earn" jokes - even better! 😁⚱️💰️

  • The Creepy Crypt project

    (Expecting to see Sue covered in globs of exploded virtual clay next...)

  • Light Harbour - a coded city

    A couple of issues with the text in the close-up shots, where the "text acne" effect is happening to cause the contour lines to bleed through the lettering. You should be able to cure it by changing all the text's colouring to something slightly different to whatever the contour line colours are (or ditto the contour lines vs. the text if that'll be easier).

    Also, are there really so many separate "Basilica Squares"? Seems unhelpfully confusing, and I can't imagine the locals wouldn't change the names very quickly to something more memorable for each one.

  • Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Fisher Isle, several villages and surrounding areas

    Need to beware their larger cousins the Tooth Thrids though - very vicious. Worse, they love Vegemite...

  • The Creepy Crypt project

    Hmm, yes. Not sure varicolor will really cut it for some of the metallics or gem colours especially, as varicolor always looks paler and faded because of the way the system applies it.

  • Community Atlas: Embra - Travelling Places

    Thanks very much @Monsen!

    You're doing well to get things done this quickly; I imagine this will be one of your busiest times of year for non-PF matters, coming up on the end of the academic year and suchlike.

    Plus I know you have more than just my maps to place in the Atlas currently!

  • Scaling Bitmap Fills

    Debris on the lower floors looks a little flat; as if it's part of the floor itself, not sitting on it.

    Also, if the structure is stone, the fractured edges look odd. Generally, if damaged, you'd expect entire stones to drop out, or parts of individual stones, as well as leaving surface damage to those that survive. The very fiddly raggy edges that cut slightly into neighbouring stones and wander across others look very unnatural. Right now it looks very like the floors are made of thin sheets of acetone-melted expanded polystyrene.

    That impression is also reinforced by the lack of stone debris on the floors below; it just seems to have vanished.

    You might want to tweak the shadows on the upstanding parts of the battlements; it's strange to have the same length of shadows from them on the ground as on the roof, as if the roof's floor is actually level with the grassy surface, and the tower's interior is really below ground.
