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  • The Creepy Crypt project

    If the heads are also separate, the bandless worm bodies would work well as tentacles that aren't the classic octopoid-style with suckers too, and an obvious "up and down" as a result.

  • dd3+ crashing combining paths

    It should be possible to carry out the command sequence as described Jim; you can combine arcs like this, as far as I'm aware.

    I have sometimes found, rarely, that CC3+ will crash repeatedly on a specific event for no obvious reason, and that this can be overcome by simply adjusting the view on the map slightly, and/or drawing the item after which the crash has happened in a slightly different place. If you need to change the shape of a simple polygon afterwards, it's usually easy enough to move a node or two.

    Not sure if that's what's happening here or not. If this doesn't help, then as Jim suggested, letting others more technically adept here try out your problematic FCW file might be the way forward.

  • dd3+ crashing combining paths

    As far as I can tell from the FCW file, although you have two separate arc lines for the sides of the polygon you're wanting to draw, you have multiple entities for where the straight end pieces should be, so I'm not sure which are the "4" entities you're trying to connect.

    The rectangular room that the top of the two arcs are adjacent to consists of three entities, all on the "temple area" Sheet, one on each of the BACKGROUND (FLOOR 1), BACKGROUND (FLOOR 2) and WALLS Layers.

    The corridor rectangle at the base of the arcs consists of two entities, again both on the "temple area" Sheet, with one each on the BACKGROUND (FLOOR 1) and BACKGROUND (FLOOR 2) Layers.

    Now, as far as I can tell by zooming in, your two arc lines do not connect with ANY of these five entities - or sometimes one end of one arc might, but not the other. So I think the problem may be that you're trying to create a polygon from lines that don't connect with whichever of the entities you want them to at all.

    You may find it preferable to create the polygon you need from four simple lines such as you have currently - that is, zero-width black lines - then convert those to a polygon of the appropriate fill. As long as it's on the correct Sheet, it should flow into whichever of the other polygons you need it to.

    You may want to rethink how you're drawing the map overall before that, however, as you can only apply Effects to Sheets, NOT Layers, and having all your floor and wall polygons and lines on the same Sheet means they will all look very flat, and hard to tell apart. The three Layers I've mentioned for the entities you have drawn already here would be better as Sheets, with all those Sheets on the "Temple Area" Layer - because the Layers simply act to group all these Sheets together (so you could hide everything on the Temple Area Layer simultaneously, should you choose to, for instance). Just a thought.

    Not sure if this will solve your problem, but if not, hopefully someone else will have some more useful suggestions.

  • Watabou City Updates?

    @malvernas & @Quenten - I think this may be the post Quenten was intending you to see Malvernas.

    Oddly, it didn't come up for me on an initial search either, but knowing it was here somewhere meant I just kept trying alternatives.

    If another item was meant, I'm sure Quenten will be able to advise you further. Good luck with your mapping!

  • Live Mapping: Modern Atlas

    Oh dear; sorry to hear that. Good luck avoiding the gods of thunder! 🌩️

  • A Quick Stab at a New Map

    I do have a number of Cloudland areas in my Errynor maps on Alarius, which have floating settlements of various sizes and types in places, although they're cloud-based (buildings as well as the supporting structure), so the rocky base and "real" buildings here would need some additional explanation, though that wouldn't exclude it.

    The downside is I'll not be mapping any of those areas in more detail any time soon (already committed to the next of the 250 x 200 mile maps from that region, for instance).

    For Jim's idea of a floating city, maybe something like what I used for the Summer Palace of the Winter Queen maps might work? That used a limited list of random places the Palace might appear on any given day, with a sketch map of the world.

    Another possibility might be somewhere over the high-magic-using continent of Kentoria. Not sure any of the three more detailed areas done so far would be suitable, though it couldn't hurt to check. Or maybe it could simply float from place to place above Kentoria?

  • The Creepy Crypt project

    Those are will-o-wisps, by the way ;)

    Could have done with these in my recent Faerie-related mapping! Too late now though! Next time...

    Sarcophagi is correct from the Latin, but sarcophaguses is also acceptable in English usage. Apparently.

    So the real question is, who's the guy in the sarcophagus? 🧟

  • Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Fisher Isle, several villages and surrounding areas

    I think if you're wanting to make a series of smaller, maybe more detailed, maps, it would be useful to have a single map showing the overall layout for the whole level as well. Much as Monsen said, you might want to do detail maps for particular areas in a city, say, or a room in a dungeon, but as GM, it's essential to know too how those parts relate to one another overall.

    You could though make a feature of this for the Atlas, by using different styles for the overall map and the detail ones, perhaps.

  • My First Attempt at Village Scale...

    Indeed, much improved.

    Maybe increase the glow on the numbers to make them more legible.

    The Tower top looks very flat though. The outer walls need some sort of shadow to show the floor is below them. If it's the exterior top, that may complicate matters, as you'll need different length shadows for the higher and lower stretches of the wall tops.

    Further on the latter point, and if they are, the crenellations need a little adjustment too, as there are what seem to be large open gaps at the northeast and southwest corners currently, which is not realistic.

  • Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Fisher Isle, several villages and surrounding areas

    It's an interesting idea Jim.

    Not sure the current walls work for a cavern though - they're too regular. Might be better using Sue's cliffs for those too, though that might mean masking the top of the cliff symbols to make them look more like walls and less like cliffs.

    Possibly a fractal polygon running out to the map's edges would be better to show it's a huge cave instead of using the cliff symbols though. If so, that would probably be better created using the Color Key Effect, drawing a suitable fractal poly for the cavern's interior, then covering the entire map with a "rock" bitmap fill texture rectangle on the same Sheet, and turning the interior fractal poly to a solid fill, colour 6 pink to create the cave. Oh, and moving the "cutout" fractal poly above the solid rectangle on that Sheet, of course! (Voice of experience...)

    Does this mean the "dungeon" rooms and passages are then walls on the huge cave's floor, roofed over so from inside you can't tell you're in a gigantic cavern?
