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  • Searching for Farmland

    You're most welcome Alan!

    You could of course just add the RGB Matrix Process Effect to the Sheet the farmland is on, if you'd prefer, rather than the whole map, which may or may not help (possibly not though in this case). You could try a different colour than white for your background alternatively - a pale grey, perhaps, or another colour that will work better under the whole-map RGB Matrix Process greyscale colouring, perhaps something closer to the usual farmland colouring instead.

    If you want to look further into the options the RGB Matrix Process can generate, you may find it helpful to read through this PF Blog posting by one of our true resident experts, Remy Monsen (he wrote the Tome of Ultimate Mapping, so this is no idle remark!), where he explores this Effect in greater detail. It is very much trial and error to get it to do what you need once you step off the path of the available presets, but it's also worth doing, as you can never tell what marvels you may accidentally turn up.

    Alan Phillipson
  • Searching for Farmland

    It looks good, and I like the way you can tell just where the farmlands extend to.

    Edge Fade often helps conceal a multitude of problems!

    Alan Phillipson
  • Live Mapping: Shaded Contours (Annual Vol 2)

    Forgot to post this after the livestream. I know there was some further discussion about Bevel Effect problems and the changing appearance of the Bevel at different zoom levels in the chat during the stream, some of which Ralf touched upon in the video. I'm not sure if anything was resolved later in this regard (I know sometimes these discussions move to the FaceBook page, which I don't use).

    I wanted to add that if you have the CA169 Fantasy Town Annual from 2021 January, there are hill and contour drawing tools in that which use the dark Solid bitmap fills and the Bevel Effect to generate hills. While you could of course create your own drawing tool in any style similarly to test out, these do come ready to use as part of that package. I've been mapping a lot with this style in recent months, and it has been interesting to experiment with the hill tools, to see just what drawing different shapes can generate, including what seem to be flattened, or even indented (so crater-like) hilltops sometimes.

    This probably doesn't help move forward the bevel-zoom issues, but it might help those wanting to try things like the shaded relief techniques get a better feeling for what is possible using the Solid fills and the Bevel Effect.

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    And now released into the wild! Wrap up warm and go exploring folks!⛷️❄️☃️

  • Hunter's Home

    Nice little shack!

    It looks as if you may have a corner-join issue (SW corner). That could be because you started drawing the walls at the corner. If so, you might instead try starting partway along one of the flat sides, as if you start at a corner and then add a break in the wall - such as for the door - you can end up with this odd-looking effect otherwise.

    And maybe add a window?

  • Inn of the Welcome Wench

    The original T1 Hommlet mapper was almost certainly David C Sutherland III (1949-2005) as the credits in the original module were "Art & Maps: Dave Trampier & Dave Sutherland". David A Trampier (1954-2014), a somewhat tragic figure from the Wikipedia biography, seems to have mostly prepared lots of artwork - such as the original "orange" cover for T1, and the cover for the 1978 "AD&D Player's Handbook", for instance, often prominently signing his work "DAT". Amongst numerous other items, David Sutherland though famously produced the isometric maps of the eponymous castle for the original Ravenloft module (1983), which seems a good fit for the isometric Welcome Wench plans to my eye at least!

  • Testing some anti-spam features

    Haven't needed to post elsewhere today as yet, so we'll see how this one goes.

    I did find an oddity on the latest "Necro" thread re Cosmographer (Traveller Satellite Size <7) where I lost the vertical scroll-bar, and had to mouse-wheel scroll down to where the new posting was. Partway through doing that though, the scroll-bar reappeared. The other pages with new additions seemed to be fine for this, however.

    Also, have you shortened the list of topics shown on the main "Discussions" page? It only covers nine topics now, as well as the five "Announcements" at the top (on the first page only). While that's OK today, there are days when the list of topics added, or added to, since my previous visit almost filled the old-style Discussions page where you could scroll down the list several times. That's going to get tedious very quickly if the number of "new" posts starts running to several pages, especially as I try to read them in order from oldest to newest. It's also going to make it much easier to miss posts by forgetting to check to other pages.

  • Weird blocks/kinks when drawing segmented lines

    It may not help in this case, but if you haven't seen it already, you may find it worthwhile to check out part of one of Remy Monsen's video mapping streams, where he addressed the issue of dashed lines not retaining their appearance if you zoom in or out to them, and how the dashes can be made to have a fixed length appearance. The relevant section begins about 32 minutes in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npHHQ6vcMHU .

  • Live Mapping: Fantasy Cities (Annual Vol 3)

    And will Asa be appearing on-screen by macro-magic like Remy's Jack last week? 😉😼

  • Community Atlas: Errynor Map 40 - Clack Valley

    Thanks very much Sue!

    Managed to upload a couple of higher-res images to my Gallery now as well:

    No clouds.

    With clouds.
