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  • The beauty of (fake) Colli Euganei. A new WIP.

    Some of the expanses of farmland look like scaled skin - civilisation built on the back of a dragon, perhaps? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‰

    You could perhaps fade-out the outer edges of the whole, maybe using an overlay sheet with a large Edge Fade Inner Effect, to get away from the "edge of the world" look of too much in the map's centre compared to the periphery.

    Text in banners might be too elaborate for this map; probably worth trying just text at first (you can always add banners later if that still seems needed).

  • WIP Inside a giant tree

    If you're going for a more natural growth look, it may be better to use smoother lines for the tunnels and caves. The fractal edges right now is what made me assume they'd been tunneled in.

    And don't forget the third dimension - no reason that couldn't be an ascending, or descending (or both in different places), spiral, rather than one on a more or less single horizontal plane.

  • First Cosmographer Map

    Was it the Glow Effect, or the Outer Glow one, you were using? Outer Glow does need more work to stop it looking like a solid mass outside the highlighted object sometimes, as there are more elements of it you can adjust. Glow usually works quite well without having to do this, particularly for circular objects (Glow doesn't work so well for the corners of angular objects however; Outer Glow is much better for those).

    You might want to think of swapping the locations for the Red Sun and Georgia systems, as the red coloration isn't so easy to see against the darker sky background. The yellow for the Georgia system should still be fine against the darker area where Red Sun is currently.

  • First Cosmographer Map

    I've not done much with Cartographer, so I hadn't realised there'd be such an issue with adding a glow to the symbols. There is a small glow built-in to the star symbols, but I agree a larger glow is really needed to show clearly what the object is when you're viewing the map at a distance.

    The Red Sun system does look a little better.

    If you still want to swap the two systems, I think you will be better moving the systems manually.

    You could use rotate, providing you know the exact centre of the main orbit on which both systems lie, but this will also invert everything in the process.

    Mirror copy would keep all the orbits and objects in their same relative positions once swapped to the opposite side of the orbit (don't do this on the labels though), but you would need to drawn the mirror line very precisely at an angle to accomplish this, AND mirror copy will force everything onto one Sheet if it wasn't to begin with. Plus you couldn't swap the two systems in one command, so one would overlap the other after the move (unless one set is on a different Layer, which you could hide before-hand).

    Maybe mirroring or rotating the background star image would work instead? It would certainly be a simpler operation!

  • Live Mapping: Star Systems

    Been there, done that (albeit quite some time ago now; for the Nibirum = Community Atlas system, for anyone unfamiliar)!

    Should be a good one regardless of that, as it's an interestingly different style of mapping to work with, compared to what most of us here normally map.

  • Winter Village style development (March 2022 CA issue)

    Snowy roofs looking good now; perhaps not so "realistic" in the strict sense, but we already discussed that above, and they do look the part to me.

    Not so sure about the pentagonal igloos (and yes I know they're actually the detached add-on dormers window roofs!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    [Although they would actually work quite nicely as sheds/small huts partly buried in snow drifts too, more seriously.]

  • WIP Everyone's making Inn's & Taverns - making floor look used / abused

    Looking fine.

    Maybe add a few scorch marks in front of the fire as well? And worth looking through the "Debris" symbol catalogues for a few suitable stains, perhaps?

    One or two of the symbols might need moving slightly - the bedroom table seems to be embedded in the wall, currently, for example.

    And maybe add some more windows? (Or at least a ventilation hole for the toilet!)

  • WIP: Kariss, Isle of the Purple Towns

    Hand-drawn hatching of any kind shouldn't be perfect; the trick is to get it to still look good in the final item, and I think you've managed that very nicely!

  • Global Lighting Not Working

    The azimuth is indeed counter-intuitive if you're used to the real-world standard usage (and note that it also runs counter-clockwise from east, NOT clockwise!). I ran up against the same problem some time ago. Apparently, mathematicians (and thus computer programmers/programs) work in this alternative fashion. Which as I said at the time confirmed my long-standing prejudice that mathematics has nothing to do with reality after all ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • WIP Everyone's making Inn's & Taverns - making floor look used / abused

    Good luck running the game!
