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  • Yet Another Wargame Map set in ...

    You make some good points Mike. I must admit, I never thought hex map boardgames worked all that well for tactical-level wargames, where I always felt using models and miniatures on a physical tabletop was much more useful and instructive as an attempt at simulating something of the realities. All the board wargames I still own, and occasionally play (not sure how I found the time when I was younger; never seem to have enough now!), were of a far more strategic level (so where a single turn is always at least a day, for those less familiar, and the ground scale is matchingly large).

    mike robel
  • Community Atlas: Errynor - Shark Bridge

    Thanks very much folks!

  • Community Atlas: Errynor - Shark Bridge

    Thanks very much Sue!

    And also Remy for getting them into the Atlas so quickly!

    [Deleted User]
  • Install Order?

    Indeed, welcome back Scott!

    Good luck with the reinstall...🖥️☀️⌨️🌙🕰️😴

  • Help with Traced Command

    If what you're trying to do is create a doughnut shape - something like a circle with a more or less circular hole in the floor of the overall shape - it would almost certainly be easier to create that using the Multipoly command in CC3+ than what I think you're describing here.

    The fact you've created something in GIMP you're now trying to trace suggests what you're trying to do may be a lot more complex than that, but as Sue said, without some graphics of what you've done and what you're hoping to achieve, we're just guessing in the dark, unfortunately.

  • Mappa Imperium

    It's an interesting idea to turn it into a game, rather than simply being a mapping or world creation tool - as there are a number of those already freely available online, of course, aside from more that are paid-for products. Not that that would stop anyone from using such tools similarly in return as collaborative games, naturally!

  • Community Atlas Where ?

    Sue, when I checked the FCW, the doors actually look fine at some closer resolutions, but if you zoom out to view the full map, the shadows vanish. If you compare the JPEGs Jim and I posted, you'll see Jim's show the doors without shadows, while mine shows the same doors WITH them, yet we were both using the identical FCW file. That suggests it's actually a rendering effect, rather than anything objectively "real".

  • Walls with teeth

    See this topic elsewhere on the Forum.

  • Annual 1, issue 7 -Modern Caves map. My example after the Live Mapping session

    This is looking a lot better to my eye, especially the trilithons.

    Not sure about the rather bright Stone of Sacrifice now though, and those colourful small diamond shapes (leaves?) seem very "floaty" to me, as if they're suspended in mid-air somehow. It almost looks as if some are on a higher Sheet than the stones, but I think that may be an illusion because of the dark Tomb Outline that looks like a stronger shadow than any being cast by the surface stones. So I'm seeing that as being a shadow, and the "leaves" aren't being shaded by it, so must be "above" it. Not sure how that might best be resolved, or indeed if it's not just me...

    [Deleted User]
  • Annual No 1, Issue no 8 - My example of the Spaceship style.

    Interesting. I can though see problems from a practical military usage and command perspective.

    The weapons are mounted too high up. A couple of options on the lower and/or upper deck would be OK for aerial threats. There needs to be another weapons position in the hold for tackling lower aerial and ground threats, however.

    The bridge at only the rear of the upper deck is OK for a secondary command position/emergency bridge. There needs to be another and main bridge higher and/or further forward though, and observation positions (ports at least) at various places on the lower and hold decks, as visibility is purely upwards over most of the craft currently. The hold could also use a bomb bay for vertical delivery of heavy ordnance, and as a crew escape mechanism.

    There's a lot of wasted space on the lower-upper deck in the middle of the craft where the masts run through (and what are those stacked (?) grey squares there?). Does this whole area need to be so open? Or could the stores and crew quarters not be moved into here? Ordinary crew don't need individual quarters either, plus there aren't enough crew. Leaving aside any practicalities of using only upper sails as propulsion on such a craft anyway, for masts this size, you'd need at least four crew, and you should have at least as many observers/signallers as them as well, since they can't all be doing the same jobs simultaneously. If the craft is expected to regularly operate for more than half a day at a time, as the quarters, mess, etc., imply, there should be enough crew of all types to manage multiple watches/shifts, essentially at least doubling the crew overall. WW1 Zeppelins had crews between about 15-20 on average, and might be airborne for several days at a time, while the WW2 American B17 Flying Fortress bomber had a crew of ten and flew missions lasting about 6 hours or less, for instance, as very approximate equivalents.

    The hatches on the hold deck are a bit confusing, and should be replaced with ladder symbols, I'd say, as the hatches are in the ceiling on that deck, not the floor, if I've understood the keys correctly.

    How do the crew access the exterior of the ship, the balloons, or board and leave it? I see ladders up, but no doors in the upper outer surface, for instance, and no external doorways elsewhere.

    If you're not wholly committed to the masts option, I'd suggest thinking of using the base of the balloon pods as places for magical propeller engines and individual rudders (again, see Zeppelins) instead.
