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  • WIP Ruins of Charn

    I'm with Sue, in not seeing there's anything so very wrong with it overall.

    Maybe a shadow effect under/near the table would help, and possibly separating each of the chairs/thrones a little. Less sure about this second point.

    The bell does look a bit odd, so that might benefit from a minor rethink, and repurposing some symbols to help. A quick skim through the Perspectives 3 Bitmap B options suggests one of those open stone doorways (called "Doorway" in the Wall Features symbol catalogue) scaled-down, could work for the stand, and as a bell, maybe try one of the "Dish covered" symbols from the Bitmap B Furniture catalogue, though you might need to tweak the scaling a little, using slightly different X and Y scales to make it a little more vertically elongated.

    You could then draw a suitable little line as the support rod for the bell (or probably two short lines, so it looks as if the support rod passes though the loop on top of the "bell". You could though perhaps resize and repurpose the "Quarterstaff" from the Weapons catalogue similarly for this instead. For the hammer, maybe try the "Maul" from the same Weapons catalogue.

    ADDED EDIT: You might also think of using an alternative stone base for the bell instead of the table - perhaps the Bitmap B "Altar Nature", the "Altar Simple", one of the stone "Pillar Base" options, or perhaps that "Pedestal sm", all from the Temple and Statues catalogue.

    Don Anderson Jr.
  • Planet of those Apes

    Top down for the mountains would seem the better fit for what you're trying to emulate. Plus that would save you having to draw more symbols, and just set up a drawing tool with some effects!

    C.C. Charron
  • WIP: Nirmathas on Golarion

    Only thing that occurs would be to make those little illustrative symbol discs for Tamran, Fort Ramgate and Lost Mines larger. It seems a shame not to better highlight those little pieces of artwork. And of course to maybe add more for other places too.

    That might mean adding dot-markers for the places, and a line, or two lines, linking to the enlarged "art" view for the places, however, so you're still showing their precise locations, as well as illustrating them, though that may be more map-clutter than you'd prefer.

  • Community Atlas WIP - Panaur region of Doriant

    I am open to further ideas. If it was my own world I would add whatever I feel, but being part of the community map. I am struggling a bit to enhance the map more.

    As long as your ideas don't clash with/contradict anything that's been written about the continent and/or nearby areas already (see the map notes in the Atlas FCW files for those there are - not everyone adds some to their maps), and the overall details from larger-scale already-mapped areas aren't changed significantly, you're pretty much free to devise as you please. You could even devise some undersea mapped areas, if that appeals 😁!

    Don Anderson Jr.Royal Scribe
  • isometric throne symbols

    Yes. It maybe there's something in one of the numerous isometric artwork sets available on a download site such as DriveThru RPG that would help, but there are a LOT of those to try to hunt through, and you'd need to convert the artwork to be symbols in CC3+ first, of course.

  • Importing Symbols from Other Mapping Programs

    So long as the artwork is available in PNG format, you can use it to make symbols for CC3+ in the program. Whether the creators of the artwork will allow you to do this is something you'd need to investigate with each individual's licensing agreement under which you'd obtained the images. Most probably will be OK for personal use, but you couldn't rely on that assumption alone, especially if you were making maps to distribute or sell, for instance.

    In terms of requesting custom symbols from specific artists, I can't comment for them of course, although I don't think Herwin Wielink makes such artwork any longer, having moved on to other projects.

  • WIP Ettinsmoor and northern Narnia

    The main problem Sue is that part over to the west is simply blank, or hidden by a convenient piece of artwork, in all of Pauline Baynes' maps of the area.

    There might be the option to add the coastline on the eastern side, as shown on her poster map, although that would be quite a bit of extra work, and would need everything moved west within the current map border. Might be worth considering though, if you felt up to the challenge Helen?

  • [WIP] Community Atlas - Eknapata Desert

    Interesting, although there doesn't seem much more here than was already shown on the main Gold Coast map.

    Might be worth adding a few more smaller features (dry valleys/wadis, rockier flat areas, dangerous soft or otherwise unusual sand areas, etc.), naming all the smaller settlements, and maybe naming the nomad tribes/trade routes suggested by the led camels too.

    You should definitely add a scalebar.

    Not sure if the labels mightn't be made clearer as well, perhaps using a smaller font size, so the place-name labels hide less of the "interesting" terrain.

    Perhaps consider making the trails stand out a little better too, and maybe green-up the watercourse and lake edges everywhere more. The Nile creates a green valley surrounded by desert, for instance, so the active river and lake here should too.

    Royal ScribeLoopysue
  • [WIP] Atlas Contest - Yréas Kóltyn Village (Kingdom of Enía, Gold Coast region of Dóriant)

    In terms of what you want to put into your write-ups for the Atlas, that's entirely up to you (within any existing constraints that previous mappers may have set for the region). I tend to go with things that interest me, either that I've developed in the past, or had as ideas previously, or that have been suggested by rolls on random tables (or similar RPG mechanics). You may find those ideas also come to influence changes in how the maps look though, so beware 😁!

    With the Elven village map, the linking aerial walkways seem both a little too wide, and much too grid-rectilinear right now. The latter aspect jars with the far more free-and-easy surface pathways, and while the nature of the walkway symbols means they will always be less curving, their long straight tracks don't look so good to me right now. It may be worth experimenting too with some scattered trees/bushes around and even under the walkways (some are long enough they probably need support from below of some kind, for instance), as well as between the arboreal buildings. Tree houses really shouldn't be all that easy to spot, although mapping often brings compromises that aren't wholly realistic, of course.

    Royal ScribeLoopysue
  • Photo Hex Map W.I.P

    That's a shame, but you could still use it as a hex highlighter for key locations, much as the Ancient Realms and Modern Journeys styles do with circles.

    Royal Scribe