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  • How Do I Create a Hatch Style Fill?

    You should be able to create a new drawing tool using your hatch style by taking one of the existing ones that uses a hatch style (for ease), and saving it as "New", using whatever name you prefer.

    You'll need to set up the hatch style though NOT in the "Properties" section, but in the "Outline" one, as an "Extra entity", clicking the "Properties" button. Under the "Hatch style" list in the "Custom tool properties" pane this "Properties" button opens, you'll need to scroll through the list to find your hatch style, and then click it. Then OK everything, save the new tool, and test it out.

    Hopefully, that'll do it! If not, I'm sure one of our resident experts will leap to your aid - good luck!

  • How Do I Create a Hatch Style Fill?

    You might also try a search on the Forum here for "Hatch style", as there have been a few folks who've previously created their own, and some of the information brought up that way might be useful.

    However, I didn't find any obvious file complexity limitations mentioned, so it might be something less obvious, maybe something as odd as the length or nature of the filename, or some extra "invisible" entities in your drawing. Given the Hatch Styles are all just ordinary, if small, FCW drawings though, I'm unsure what else might be happening in this case.

  • Layering the Same Fill without pitting in Worthington Historical

    Checking this Annual issue following Julian's query, there are further oddities about it.

    Creating a new map file for a test drawing, I found there are no effects on either of the mountains sheets in a new file (the sheets set-up is to have the TERRAIN HILLS one immediately below TERRAIN HILLS 2, and TERRAIN MOUNTAINS below TERRAIN MOUNTAINS 2). When I copy those effects over directly from the Scotland map, and draw using the mountain drawing tool, I get pitting on the TERRAIN MOUNTAINS 2 sheet, just as Julian says. However, if I try drawing a new area on on the TERRAIN MOUNTAINS 2 sheet of the sample Scotland map using the default tool, that ALSO shows pits, unless I keep the area small and simple!

    Both the TERRAIN HILLS sheets do come with their Glow effects emplaced in a new file, but there's no pitting with them. I wonder though if that may be because the default hills drawing tool uses only the Solid 10 bitmap fill, rather than anything textured. The default mountain tools both use the Land Brown CA91 fill.

  • I'm hungry for your lore!

    Two places I haven't seen mentioned here yet are Chaosium's Glorantha (which has so much lore it's effectively a real place for many who RPG there; plus avoid all those silly mapping projection problems in a world which is on the upper face (only) of a cube!), and of course out own Community Atlas world of Nibirum. Not everyone provides detailed descriptions for their maps there, but some do (I've been adapting bits and pieces from my own nearly 50 years of RPGing to what I've added there, for instance), and even without that, those maps are always worth exploring.

    Royal ScribeJackTheMapper
  • More a request...

    Well, I did already tinker together a few symbols for overland undersea use like this, which are available as part of the Atlas download pack. You can see some of them in-use on my deep sea-bed Errynor Map One - The Cliff map in the Atlas. If you dig around among the other seafloor maps from that one, you'll see I carried out a few more experiments with home-made undersea symbols, and the reuse of non-undersea symbols as undersea ones too!

    I have to say too, that making new vector symbols for this kind of mapping is far easier than making bitmap ones 😁!

  • Live Mapping: Frontier Town

    I seem to remember one old west town painted mostly red... [Clint Eastwood movie reference 😉🤠🏜️]

  • Heraldry Resources for Campaign Cartographer

    Might be worth saying that this is a free-to-access resource as well (perhaps add it to the Free Symbols & Artwork topic @Monsen?).

    It would be interesting to know how it complements the existing Heraldic Symbols pack from the March 2008 Cartographer's Annual too.

  • Live Mapping: Hex Maps

    There are certainly some tricks to getting the best from this style, and a few oddities about it. I explored some of these last year. I do like the overall look of the style though - so straightforward and clear (though that may be the hex-board wargamer in me, as much as the role-player).

    Royal ScribeJimP
  • Character Artist_Orc warlord

    You can use any assets you have in Character Artist just as you can in any CC3+ drawing, although none of the background symbols used here come with CA3. Not everything will work well necessarily, as some symbols won't enlarge sufficiently without pixelating too much, although it never hurts to experiment.

    I did something like this with one of my Community Atlas portraits some time back - Gallery image link for Queen Mica. There, the Queen figure is CA3, the "giant" ants are old vector CA symbols, and the hilltop castle is from Mike Schley overland. Add in some colour "washes" and fading glow effects around the figure as required, and maybe some shadows to help separate the back arm from the body, and the front arm from the body as well, etc. (although I didn't use shadows with Queen Mica; it got a little complicated because she can also appear with a human head instead in the drawing!).

    Royal Scribe
  • Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas repairs.

    Hi @Hildebrando Santos !

    I don't have the old FR Interactive Atlas, so I'm not sure what the "white text" in English after you've translated it may be.

    However, so far as I'm aware, you can open any older version Campaign Cartographer map in CC3+, so you don't need to convert any to CC3+ at all. If you redraw any map using CC3+, it will then save the file in that format, but that would only be a potential problem if you used an older version of the software to try to open the new map file.

    You may find it easier to keep track of replies to any further questions you have by starting your own topic, or topics, on the Forum; with long-running topics such as this one, there's always the danger things will get lost along the way otherwise!
