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  • Issue 199

    Thanks Ralf. Just done a fresh download and install over the earlier Monkey Puzzle Frog Annual, and a quick test check of a couple of drawing tools and symbol groups suggests all is well. While I found no issues with the drawing tools or symbols after my previous installation, as noted before, accessing the PDF now does work fine.

  • Galangar - The City of Gold and Red

    Looks good.

    Obviously, the Empire of the Sun Annual would work nicely for a map of this kind, based on your sketched style, but that wouldn't provide nearly so many building/structure options. For clouds, you might try the cloud symbols in the Alyssa Faden Annual. I'm not sure there are other separate cloud symbol options, although SS6 does have some chimney smoke plumes (they look a bit too smoke-plume specific to be ordinary clouds, however, unsurprisingly!).

    Might be worth thinking of moving the mountains further back overall, as they don't look quite right where they are now; too sharp and clear. Maybe add a misty vale in between the building and mountains/trees, and/or just add some mist (transparent irregular polygons of white/pale grey) to fade them a little, and give the impression they're more distant.

  • Issues with Inked Ruins Style: Hatching "Texture" Size and Water Rendering

    You're very welcome Eukalyptus! Glad it helped.

    Turning off the "Restrict to map border" command was one of the first things I discovered, because it solves so many problems with the effects, such as when you've applied something like an edge fade (or other similar techniques) to a fill, to avoid getting those round the map border too, creating a border within the border, which almost always looks wrong. When I remember now, I usually turn it off in all tools I know I'll be using, because it's just so annoying sometimes. I understand why it's turned on as the default, although for someone who often works outside the technical map border - to add map keys, for instance - aside from with on-map features that don't benefit from a sharp map-border edge - it's a real pain. Appreciate I may not be typical in this though ๐Ÿ˜Š!

  • Switching symbol orientation - Symbol Set 6

    The Arena symbol only has one orientation, but the Amphitheatres tab fine for me.

  • Mirabar Region Of The Forgotten Realms

    Treating the Forgotten Realms setting as a sandbox onto which you can project your own preferences and ideas is an excellent one, albeit I say this as having used exactly this same Mirabar region for starting my own 5e explorations in soon after that edition first came out! Didn't get as far as I'd have liked with it, but I might return to it one day - and this image took me right back to my first mapping in the area as well.

    I might make the hex grid a little more obvious is all, if it'll be important to judge distances more exactly, and quickly, during the game.

  • Community Atlas: Dendorlig Hall - A Sort-Of D23 Dungeon for Nibirum

    Thanks very much Sue! It took a bit longer than I'd hoped, but reality's kept intruding all year, as it does... However, it was finished well within the year, so as a sort-of D23 effort, that's been quite pleasing.

    And many thanks to Remy for getting this into the Atlas so swiftly, of course!

  • Community Atlas: Embra - Crossing Places

    There is a boat at the ferry crossing landing on Ferry Road, but it's a sailboat.

    Ferries don't even need to be especially boat-shaped, of course, as something like a square plank raft will do, particularly of the kind that uses pull-ropes to cross the watercourse. Some of those types were still in use in places well into the 20th century (notably the more rural areas, and on relatively narrow crossings). Depends what you need, where and when.

  • Sinister Sewers - Style Development Thread (CA207)

    Misread that initially, and thought you'd typed "violet minotaur" - the colour scheme, as we've explored above, is everything! (Could be your purple patch in this case, Sue ๐Ÿ˜‰.)

  • Sinister Sewers - Style Development Thread (CA207)

    Not a map as such, but the cast terrain company Dwarven Forge do a range of sewer pieces for their "Cities" models, which might provide some pseudo-medieval style inspiration. This link is to their main, fully hand-painted, set, and this is the main image for it:

    For ideas on what sewers can sometimes look like, you might care to watch the latter stages of the 1949 movie "The Third Man", or dig through the nearly 100 images relating to it on the IMDb site here, if unfamiliar. Many of the sewer shots were from actual locations under post-war Vienna, although some (notably those with Orson Welles - where you can actually see it's him, as many of his shots were done by a double) were mocked-up/recreated in the studios later.

  • How Do I Create a Hatch Style Fill?

    If I copy the file into the CC3Plus/Hatch Styles folder, I can see the file name. However, when I try to create a new tool with it, the program crashes.

    It's possible the file may be too complex to be used as a hatch style, as the ones I've been using recently (from CA20) have all been very basic, just a few simple polygons at most. But I really have no other ideas right now; sorry!
